人生💯倍の賛美😊【聖書】詩篇10篇 あなたがお助けになる

1. 背景

 10 篇は、9篇の続きであるとも、別物であるとも、考えられているものです。伝統的にローマカトリック教会は、ギリシア語の七十人訳聖書およびラテン語のウルガタ訳聖書に倣って両者を一つに数えていますが、プロテスタント教会では、別個のものとみなす傾向にあります。ただし、10篇に表題がないことや、先に述べたようにいろは歌としての連続性があること、そして9篇は神の確かな勝利、10篇はやがて滅びる悪者の現在の勝利、をテーマにしている、と捉えてみると、内容的に対になっている作品と考えられます。










Psalms 10 You are here to help

1. background

 Psalm 10 is considered both a continuation of Psalm 9 and a separate work. Traditionally, the Roman Catholic Church counts them as one, following the Greek translation of the Seventy and the Latin translation of the Urgata Bible, while the Protestant Church tends to regard them as separate. However, if we consider the fact that Psalm 10 does not have a title, that it has continuity as a colorful song as mentioned earlier, and that Psalm 9 is about God’s certain victory and Psalm 10 is about the present victory of the wicked who will eventually perish, then they are considered to be paired works in terms of content.

2. prosperity of the wicked

First, the poet describes the prosperity of the wicked. The wicked succeed in this world, become complacent, and live a life that boasts more and more of their own desires and is only about money (v. 3). They have no desire for God, and they claim that there is no God in the first place (v. 4). He is proud of his own power, which is the reason for his successes (v. 6). And in his mouth is deceit and deception, even preying on the weak, nay, targeting the weakened and unfortunate (v. 8). In the end, the unfortunate victims of these evil men are “crushed, crumbling, and falling” because of the obvious difference in their strength (v. 10). The wicked say. God has forgotten. He sees nothing” (v. 11).

Though written in ancient times, this passage seems to be describing our own times. The wicked who hold money and power eventually trample the weak. The powerful sit on top of the hardships of the weak and live comfortably. This was and still is the case today. We see, hear, and experience this in our daily lives.

Why do the wicked prosper? Why do the poor become poorer and poorer, and the pious suffer? This is a question that is also addressed in the Book of Job (Job 24), and it is a question that is repeated in every generation.

3. prayer

The second half is the prayer of those oppressed and tormented by the wicked. It teaches how to pray in the midst of such contradictory circumstances and the words to pray. The psalmist prays. O Lord! Arise, O Lord. Lift up your hands, O God. Lift up your hands. Please do not forget the poor.” Even when God is silent and the words of our prayers seem to be empty and absorbed into the darkness, we do not think that there is no hope, but we dare to pray, trusting that God is true. The psalmist confesses, v. 14: “You were watching. You have gazed upon our toil and pain.” We make clear our faith in God that He has not forgotten us. Then confess. The unfortunate man yields himself to You. The orphan, you will help him.” Continue to believe in God’s actual intervention. The Living Bible Translation says, “Oh Lord. The poor have only You to rely on.” As a prayer, this seems more appropriate to our state of mind.

However, as a matter of fact, it is a great burden on the heart to pray, “God is watching, God will intervene,” while the heart is murmuring and crying out, “God has forgotten, He sees nothing. How do we reverse the direction of our unbelieving hearts? If we could do that, there would be no difficulty. No, let us assume it is impossible. And we want to consider how a child can learn to have a decent language with his or her parents. From babbling “aaah” and “woo-woo” to saying “mommy” and “daddy’s here” with an awareness of the relationship and meaningful words, a child has received a lot of talking from his or her parents. The same is true of faith. Unless we receive God’s speaking to us repeatedly and in large quantities every day, a faithful and trusting response will never emerge. We should not try to be faithful, but first of all, we should slow down, be still, and take a shower of God’s words to us. Continuity is power, and if you read the Bible day by day, you will find that some of the things you read will grow in you naturally and mysteriously. It should be said, “Continuation is power. It takes time. Even the great apostle Paul was concerned about his own weakness. There were things that he thought without which he could have done more missionary work. And after three struggles, he realized that his weakness was not in the least bit an obstacle to God’s mission (2 Cor. 12:10). We need a time when faithful words and faithful attitudes are cultivated. Let us cherish the time when we can have a heart-to-heart talk with God with patience. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. Which of the following is the longest psalm, a technical psalm in which the words at the beginning are arranged in alphabetical order? (1) Psalm 25, (2) Psalm 111, and (3) Psalm 119. The answer was Psalm 119. Now for today’s Bible quiz. In the classification of the contents of the Psalms, which one is called the “Psalm of Wisdom”? (1) Psalm 1, (2) Psalm 20, and (3) Psalm 46. The answer will be given tomorrow. Now, I pray that today will be another good day.


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