「しかし、主よ」12節は、そのような著者のどん底の思いからの転換点です。彼は、神の永遠性、つまり神の時の支配を思い起こすことで、心の向きを変えられていくのです。喜劇役者のチャプリンは、You will never find a rainbow if you are looking down.(下をうつむいてばかりいたら、虹が出ていることも気づかないでしょう)と語りましたが、実に私たちは単純な真理に気づかないでいるものです。たとえ望みえないことがあっても、うなだれていないで天を見上げてみましょう。頭上に広がる大空を創った全能の主を覚えるなら、望みを持つことができるのです。
Psalm 102: The Lord’s Plan Being Completed
1. context and background
This is a psalm that strikes the heart on first reading. The title reads, “The prayer of the afflicted. . when he was discouraged and poured out his sorrows before the Lord.” Psalm 102 is, in terms of literary genre, a lament, or, strictly speaking, one of the seven Psalms of Repentance: 6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, and 143. Perhaps a reading of verses 13-16 leads one to believe that this is the psalmist’s desire to rebuild Zion at the end of the captivity. Not having known war or captivity in defeat, I wonder how much I can understand the feelings of those who have lost their country, lost their land, been driven out of their homes, forced to emigrate, and are longing for their release with no hope in sight. Yet, strangely enough, I am touched by each word of those who hope for the reconstruction of their homeland as their own restoration. Perhaps this is because, although people’s experiences may vary, there is a commonality in human suffering.
2. Prayers of the distressed are looked up to.
In fact, verse 3 says, “My days are spent in a puff of smoke.” In the midst of troubles, we may feel a sense of emptiness, as if we are vanishing like a puff of smoke. Your body and mind are diseased and eaten away, and you have no appetite or taste for food (v. 4). You will continue to groan and become emaciated to the point that you are nothing but skin and bones (v. 5). There is no one who can feel your rock-bottom feelings. You just wait for the morning to come (v.7). How did this happen? It is because of God’s wrath. It is because God has abandoned me, I think (v. 10). The pain is as if I were suddenly given a life expectancy sentence and dragged off the stage of life (v. 23). I say that my life is like the evening shadows that stretch out, like wilting green grass (v. 11). This conveys well the situation of lost hope.
Verse 12, “But, Lord,” is the turning point in the author’s life from such rock bottom thoughts. He is reoriented by the reminder of God’s eternity, that is, God’s reign of time. The comedian Chaplin said, “You will never find a rainbow if you are looking down. Even when things seem hopeless, don’t nod your head and look up to the heavens. If we remember the Almighty Lord who created the sky above us, we can have hope.
3. Messiah’s Prayer, Prayer of Proclamation
What is noteworthy is the psalmist’s heart to turn his heart to pray this prayer as a help and testimony for the generations to come, as in verse 18: “May this be written down for the generations to come, so that the people who are being created anew may praise the Lord. The psalmist’s eyes are not fixed on his own suffering. He wants this prayer to be used as a prayer for the people and to bear more abundant fruit in time to come.
And in verse 22, apparently, the psalmist’s thoughts go beyond a mere consideration of helping his fellow man: in verse 20, the prisoners, those destined for death, apparently have a grand vision that goes beyond the Babylonian captivity. Thus, Zion and Jerusalem are also apparently symbolic in meaning. In other words, it is a prayer for the eschatological salvation of the whole world, for the eschatological glory of the gathering of all peoples under Christ in Revelation 7:9. In fact, this psalm is popularly known as the Messianic Psalm, and the author of Hebrews interprets and quotes it as having content that points to Christ (Hebrews 1:10-12). In other words, the people of the early church perceived the psalm as referring to Christ, the mediator, the high priest, and now exalted and seated at the right hand of God, to whom they were to pray.
The ministry of Jesus’ disciples was also a battle. In the midst of the danger of being slain “in the midst of the day,” we could say that they went through the hardships of their mission, supported by this Psalm, and involved themselves in passing the baton of faith to the generations to come, hoping for the perfection of the Kingdom. Only by living the same missionary mission as the disciples can this Psalm be deeply understood. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday’s quiz. What happened to the temple of Zerubbabel (the second temple) that was built after Solomon’s temple was destroyed by the Babylonians? (1) Destroyed, (2) renovated and enlarged, or (3) continued to exist as it was. The answer is (1) destroyed. It was destroyed by Pompeius of Rome in 37 BC, ending the Hasmonean dynasty. Later, Herod had it restored and extensively renovated. Now for today’s Bible quiz. What is the valley between the Mount of Zion and the Mount of Olives called? (1) The valley of Tyropeon, (2) the valley of Kederon, and (3) the valley of Hinnom. The answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.