人生💯倍の賛美😊【聖書】詩篇119篇 神の言葉の祝福










Psalm 119: The Blessing of God’s Word

1. context

 This Psalm 119, the longest of the Psalms, consists of 22 verses of 8 verses each. In the New Common Translation, it is entitled “Alphabetical Psalm”. This is the same as in the Japanese Iroha-uta, for example, the first group, verses 1-8, are titled Aleph, and all the lines begin with the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, aleph. The following verses, in order, are prefixed with Beth, Gimel, and Dalet.

The theme throughout the 22 verses is the Word of the Lord. Thus, with the exception of verses 84, 90, 121, 122, and 132, all of the verses have words that paraphrase the “Word of the Lord. For example, God’s Word is treasure (vv. 14, 72, 127, 162), counselor (v. 24), song (v. 54), honey (v. 103), light (vv. 105, 130), and eternal yield (v. 111).

2. the Word of God

 Each of these verses is about loving and trusting the Word of God. Let us look at them in order. First, in the poem by Aleph (vv. 1-8), we are told that blessed are those who walk in God’s Word. This is because God’s Word is a guide for life without error. It keeps life pure (v. 9) and protects us from sin (v. 11), as in the Bet (vv. 9-16). Gimel’s poem (vv. 17-24) says it is a counselor (v. 24). And Dalet’s poem (vv. 25-32) says it comforts and strengthens the sorrowing, sinking heart (v. 28) and frees the mind (v. 32). It lifts one out of the swamp of discouragement. Heh’s poem (vv. 33-40) says it gives strength not to be swayed by the words of men (v. 40). And in Waugh’s poem (vv. 41-38), it not only fills and sustains one’s heart, but actually gives grace and salvation (v. 41). Thus those who live by God’s Word are free and bold. So Zain’s poem (vv. 49-56) teaches us that we should endure our trials with the Word of God. Let the Word of God be the song of your heart. Het’s poem (vv. 57-64) tells us that those who follow God’s Word are not alone, but have like-minded friends (v. 63). God’s Word is to be shared. And the Titus verses (vv. 65-72) teach us that we should actively study God’s Word. Not on the desk or in the classroom, but in real life, through trials, through suffering and hardship (v. 71). Then, as in the poem by Yod (vv. 73-80), we will know firsthand that God’s Word is true (v. 75). As the poem by Cuffe (vv. 81-88) says, even when life seems to be over, we know that God’s Word opens up new possibilities (v. 87). Thus, the Rammed poem (vv. 89-96) teaches us that life’s greatest enemy is ourselves, who do not trust in God’s Word and do not seek to learn the blessings of God’s Word (v. 93).

 Thus, the poem of Mem (vv. 97-104) teaches us to meditate on and love God’s Word all day long (v. 97). Often we are told to learn from our enemies, but we are to learn from God’s Word (v. 98). There is no better teacher than the Word of God (v. 99). Old men are wise, but they are not better than the Word of God (v. 100). One should look to all good things, but most important of all is the Word of God. As the poem by Nun (vv. 105-112) says, the Word of God is the lamp of the feet and the light of the path (v. 105).

 Therefore, as the poem of Samekh (vv. 113-120) says, we should not be double-minded (v. 113). Love what God says more than gold or pure gold, as the poem of Ain (vv. 121-128) says. And pray for the weak heart to turn to the Word of God, as the poem of Pae (vv. 129-136) teaches (v. 134). As the poem of Tsadeh (vv. 137-144) says, rejoice in God’s word, even if it seems foolish to obey it (v. 140). As the Kof poem (vv. 145-152) says, seek God’s Word first thing in the morning as you awaken. The poem by Resh (vv. 153-160) says that trials are merely testing us to see if we really love God’s Word (v. 159). As the poem of Sin (vv. 161-168) says, God is righteous, so spend time trusting in Him. Thus the psalmist confesses the earnest wanderings of his heart in the final Tau poem (vv. 169-176). But he concludes that this is also a time to overcome by the word of the Lord (v. 176). Even believers are lost. But God is faithful, and His Word is true. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. Who was the one who explained the Messianic prophecy, “The stone that the builders of the house threw away, it became the keystone” (Psalm 117:22)? (1) Paul, (2) Peter, and (3) Matthew. The answer was (2) Peter. Now, here is today’s Bible quiz. How many letters are there in the Hebrew alphabet? (1) 22 letters, (2) 26 letters, (3) 50 letters. I pray that today will be another good day for you.


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