Psalm 123: Have mercy on me.
1. lift up my eyes
Verse 1: “To you I lift up my eyes,” a confession of faith, asking God for help. In the New Testament, too, the author of Hebrews encourages us to In the New Testament, too, the author of Hebrews urges us to “keep your eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. For he endured the cross and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God, not willing to be put to shame, for the joy that was set before him. Consider Him who endured such rebellion of sinners against Himself. Lest your hearts should be enervated and your minds become weary.” (Hebrews 12:2, 3). First, look up straight at God with eyes of faith. That is the basis of worship.
Verse 2: “For as the eyes of the servants are toward the hand of their master, and the eyes of the serving women toward the hand of their mistresses, so our eyes are toward the Lord our God. Why “hand”? Japanese people would think it is the “face” of the master. The Hebrew word translated “hand” has a wide range of meanings, such as “palm,” “wrist,” and “forearm,” and does not specify the part of the body. In other words, neither the servant nor the serving woman focuses their eyes on a part of the hand, but on the entire hand in motion. In fact, “hand” has a symbolic use and roughly means “power. In Exodus, “I will stretch out my hand, and I will do all kinds of wonders in the midst of Egypt, and I will strike Egypt. Then he will cause you to leave” (Ex. 3:20). There is a symbolic meaning of “the hand of salvation,” “the hand of judgment,” and “the work of His hands.” In other words, to look to the hand is to look to God’s will.
2. seeking the Lord’s mercy
In the second half of verse 3, “Our eyes are fixed on the Lord our God. Until the Lord have mercy on us,” a very important principle is spoken of. Our eyes often turn to man, not to God, for concrete help and possibilities. And even if we do ask God for help, we do not persist in asking “until He has mercy on us. Like Peter, who saw the wind and almost sank and became afraid (Matt. 14:30), we often fail to keep our eyes on God. Therefore, to be mature in faith is precisely to have this attitude firmly in place.
Verse 3: “Have mercy on us, O Lord.” The psalmist was under “mockery” and “scorn. What was going on? From the use of “servants” as a metaphor and the plural person “we,” the psalmist was probably referring to the post-captivity period, specifically the Nehemiah period, when Jerusalem was being rebuilt and was being thwarted and oppressed by the Samaritans. Even today, there are times when those who truly honor God are subjected to hostility and are despised and tormented by sinners. The longer it goes on, the more shameful it is and the less hope there is for one’s future. What is important is that we mature in our faith, that is, in the midst of such situations, we look to God and cling to Him until He has mercy on us, and that attitude is firmly formed. It is about cultivating a faith that is firmly bound to God’s grace.
In fact, it is significant that this song is considered a pilgrim song. This is because they are recalling their experience of asking for mercy and receiving it. They are recalling historical events in which God has indeed answered their prayers. Let us accumulate experiences in our personal history that allow us to feel the certainty of God. Faith is an accumulation. It is the accumulation of receiving God’s mercy. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday’s quiz. What is the name of the valley in the center of Jerusalem that divides the city in two? (1) Valley of the Kidderon, (2) Valley of the Chilopeon, and (3) Valley of Hinnom. The answer was (2) the Valley of Tyropeon. Now, here is today’s Bible quiz. Which of the following is not located in the city of David? (1) Gihon Fountain, (2) Royal Cemetery, (3) David’s Palace. I wish you a good day today.