人生💯倍の賛美😊【聖書】詩篇135篇 ハレルヤほめたたえよ


 「ハレルヤ、主の御名をほめたたえよ、ほめたたえよ、主のしもべたち」(1節)。礼拝者への呼びかけです。そして著者は、神をほめたたえる、その理由があることを示します。第一に、それは主がいつくしみ深いお方であることを覚えるからです(3節)。そして主の慈しみ深さは、主が、私たちを選び、ご自分の宝とされた、ことに現わされています(4節)。というのも、神の選びは、人の選びとは違います。人は合理的によいものを選別し、選りすぐりのものを選ぼうとします。しかし神の選びは、不合理な愛に基づく選びです。「わたしはヤコブを愛し、エサウを憎んだ」(ローマ 9:13)とあるように、神の選びは、神ご自身の慈しみに基づくものなのです。人のように、力量を評価するのではない、名声を見るのでもない、性質的な魅力を買うわけでもありません。パウロは、「神は、知恵ある者をはずかしめるために、この世の愚かな者を選び、強い者をはずかしめるために、この世の弱い者を選ばれたのです。また、この世の取るに足りない者や見下されている者を、神は選ばれました。すなわち、有るものをない者のようにするため、無に等しいものを選ばれたのです。(1コリント1:27-28)と語りました。自らの罪深さ、足りなさ、を思う時に、神の選びが、ただ神ご自身のあわれみによることを思わざるを得ません。そうであればこそ、私たちは、神を心からほめたたえるのです。









1. mercy and election of God

 Hallelujah, praise the name of the Lord, praise Him, His servants” (v. 1). This is an invitation to the worshippers. And the author shows that there are reasons to praise God. First, because we remember that the Lord is compassionate (v. 3). And His mercifulness is revealed in the fact that He has chosen us and made us His treasure (v. 4). God’s choice is different from man’s choice. Man rationally selects what is good and tries to choose the best. God’s choice is based on irrational love. God’s choice is based on His own mercy, as it says, “I loved Jacob and hated Esau” (Rom. 9:13). Like men, we do not evaluate competence, we do not look at fame, and we do not buy into natural attractions. Paul wrote, “For God has chosen the foolish of this world to justify the wise, and the weak of this world to justify the strong. God also chose the insignificant and despised of the world. God also chose the weak of the world to make the foolish of the world and the weak of the world to be made to look down on the weak. (1 Corinthians 1:27-28). When we think of our own sinfulness and insufficiency, we cannot help but think that God’s choice is solely due to His own mercy. For this reason, we praise God from the bottom of our hearts.

2. the greatness of God and the Exodus

 Second, praise is given to God to remember that He is greater than all gods (v. 5). God is the God of creation and the ruler of all things. God is able to accomplish His purposes as He sees fit (v. 6). Nothing is impossible with God. The Israelites, once enslaved in Egypt, were in a darkness from which they could not escape, day after day, and they only longed in vain for God’s salvation. But their God is not one who “has mouth but cannot speak, eyes but cannot see, ears but cannot hear, and mouth but has no breath. Their God is the One who opened His ears to the groans and cries of their hearts and rose to show His mercy and love for His chosen ones. God’s work in history is shown. God struck the firstborn of Egypt and performed signs and miracles in the midst of the enemy camp (vv. 8-9). God is faithful, giving the Promised Land to Israel according to His word (vv. 10-12). We should not think of God as small. We should understand the depth, breadth, and height of God’s potential.

3. praise the lord!

After having thus brought God’s mercifulness and greatness to our attention, the psalmist repeats in verses 19 and 20, “Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord,” “Praise the Lord,” “Praise the Lord,” “Praise the Lord,” “Praise the Lord. In the Bible, four is said to be a number that describes heaven and earth, all directions, and the entire earth. In other words, this exhortation is for everyone on earth.

Unusually in the Psalms, the Levites are exhorted to praise (v. 20). The Levites administered the service of the tabernacle throughout the wilderness life. Their duties included the care and protection of the tabernacle of meeting and its isolation from the people (Numbers 1:50-54; 18:22), but according to Chronicles, in addition to such temple service during the Davidic and Solomonic periods, they were also given the role of teaching the people and leading praise as a temple choir (1 Chronicles 15, 23 ). Clearly, if the psalms were edited as psalms of worship and praise after the return of the captives, it is understandable that the Levites were made aware of their presence here, and that their praise was encouraged.

Faith in a merciful and great God always gives us new hope, and the power and strength to praise Him. It is a force that makes us praise God. We want to have faith in God, who sees the hopelessness, hears our cries of prayer, opens his mouth to do his work, and breathes into us the breath of life. Let us hope that God will do His work where there is no hope. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. Which of the following was placed in the sanctuary? (1) The Ark of the Covenant, (2) the altar of incense, and (3) the washing table. The answer was (2) the altar of incense. The ark of the covenant was placed in the Most Holy Place, and the washing table was placed in the garden in front of the sanctuary. Now for today’s Bible quiz. The Levites consisted of three clans: Gershon, Kehath, and what clan? The answer will be given tomorrow. I wish you a good day today.


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