人生💯倍の賛美😊【聖書】詩篇72篇 メシヤの王権













Psalms72: The Kingship of the Messiah

1. context

The title says “for Solomon”. In the previous New Revised Version (3rd ed.), it was “by Solomon.” Perhaps it was intended to be consistent with the concluding phrase, “The prayer of David son of Essai is finished” (v. 20). Whether Solomon or David composed this verse is disputed.

The Greek translation of the Septuagint translates it as “for Solomon,” and it is possible to interpret the Hebrew text in that way and consider it to be David’s composition. It matches well with the last phrase, “David’s prayer is finished.” However, “David’s prayer is finished” is also considered to be the concluding words of the second volume of the Psalms. Of course, the Psalms are not by David alone, so the concluding words of David, the primary author of the second volume, do not negate the fact that Solomon wrote this psalm. It is quite difficult to judge.

 If Solomon composed this psalm, it would seem that he composed it as a king, remembering the weight of his mission. Certainly this psalm is similar to the one in Gib′on, which speaks of the ideal of a king that Solomon prayed for (1 Kings 3:6-9). But if David composed it, we can assume that it recites David’s wishes for his successor. It may seem that David, who made mistakes without righteousness or mercy, could have composed such a poem, but it could also be said that he was self-correcting because of his mistakes. In fact, David admits that the root of his own fault was a lack of mercy (2 Samuel 12:6). And the psalm, too, in praying for the king to be king (vv. 1-4), prays that he be the fulfillment of God’s righteousness (vv. 5-11), and hopes for a reign of perpetual righteousness (vv. 12-14), which is ultimately realized through his mercifulness (vv. 13-14). The psalm, then, can be understood as a condensed version of David’s experience and his most cherished aspirations. In any case, this psalm teaches us that righteousness and mercy are the key points for those who stand above others and rule over a nation.

2. read as a Messianic Psalm

Now, there is no New Testament passage that cites this psalm as a Messianic Psalm. In fact, however, it may be better read as a Messianic Psalm. The king depicted and his territory are very similar to the prophecies of Isaiah (Isaiah 11:1-5, chapters 60-62). If that part of Isaiah is to be understood messianically, then this passage would be as well. In other words, the psalm is not simply a statement of the mindset of an earthly king, but can be interpreted as a song of the Messiah’s reign, which is beyond the reach of human beings.

So, first of all, the psalmist prays for the kingdom to be ruled by justice (vv. 1, 2). It prays for a just judgment by God’s righteousness that transcends human and subjective righteousness. That is where David failed. Righteousness also varies from person to person. The righteousness of a king who does not account for human imperfection is a dangerous thing. His righteousness is often replaced by power. Man needs to be aware of his imperfection and strive only to have all his activities done in God’s righteousness.

And second, God’s sovereignty over the whole world is prayed for, as in “May the King rule and reign from sea to sea and from the rivers to the ends of the earth” (v. 8). Tarshish is now considered southern Spain, Sheba is Saudi Arabia, and Seba is Ethiopia. This worldwide kingship (v. 11) is to be realized only in Jesus Christ. It is noteworthy that this kingship is neither by trickery nor by human heredity, but is born in the good government of God’s mercy (vv. 12, 13). In the Lord Jesus is true mercy and the redemption of life.

Finally, the blessing of the King is prayed for (v. 17). We pray for the world to be blessed by the Son. It is precisely because the Son is the Savior that we pray for the glory of the Son, just as we pray the Lord’s Prayer, which concludes, “The kingdom, the power, and the glory belong to thee without end.

We need not only to pray for our earthly King, but also to clearly recognize the invisible Savior who sovereignly rules over all things, and to offer up our prayers to that Messiah. Today, let us walk with the mind that we are those who first exalt the glory of the Lord, praise Him, and serve Him. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. This year (2023), Passover will be celebrated from April 5, which month corresponds to in the Babylonian calendar? (1) the month of Kislev, (2) the month of Nisan, and (3) the month of Tammuz. The answer was (2) the month of Nisan. Now for today’s Bible quiz. Which country would Tarshish be today? (1) Spain, (2) Saudi Arabia, (3) Iran. I pray that you have a good day today.


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