人生💯倍の賛美😊【聖書】詩篇82篇 神の管理人として











Psalms 82: As God’s Caretaker

1. about Gods

Verse 1: “God judges in the midst of gods.” God judges in the midst of gods. It is difficult to understand the word “gods” here. The word translated “gods” is elohiym, which, in literal translation, means “the Mighty One. Some take this to mean “pagan gods in the heavens. Since the unearthing of the Ugarit document, some have come to understand it that way after it became known that there is a meeting of gods in the Canaanite mythology. However, it would be strange to include verses that speak of a polytheistic concept of God in a biblical text that speaks of the one true God. Therefore, some people understand it as an angel protecting the nations. But this, too, gives a mythical impression. It is still appropriate to understand it as “earthly judge,” or earthly ruler, or God’s agent on earth, as the Living Bible translation does, although it is a more traditional understanding (John 10:24). In other words, the God of heaven judges the earth. This means that He will judge those who hold power on earth. For they “judge with iniquity, and take the side of the wicked” (v. 2).

2. the responsibility of those in positions of leadership

People are sinners, and those in power do not always use it properly. Sometimes they do things for their own convenience rather than for the good of the righteous. Pilate, who put Jesus on trial, is a good example. He tried to buy the interest of the Jews in the verdict. Justice was sacrificed and Jesus was abandoned. Such realities can happen in any number of ways in our society. Those in high places twist righteousness for their own self-preservation or ambition, and they treat one person as if he were an insect. It is possible to do things based on profit and loss. However! God does not overlook such evil people. Therefore, “rescue the weak and the poor, and deliver them out of the hands of the wicked.” (v. 4), he warns. For if they commit injustice, the foundations of society will be shaken to the core.

Verses 6 and 7 are the basis for the rejection of the traditional theory, but the message is convincing only if we accept the traditional theory. In other words, no matter how much power they may hold, no matter how they may be called “gods” or “sons of the Most High,” they are still human beings. They are all mortals who will eventually die out (v. 7). Therefore, as God’s representatives, they must be mindful of doing God’s will. They must be mindful not to attribute to themselves more than belongs to them. All those in authority on earth must also face God’s judgment in the heavenly court.

3. do what is right

Everything on earth belongs to the Lord. Therefore, those who hold authority must be strictly aware of their responsibilities. How do we use the power entrusted to us by God? Only when he is conscious of his faithfulness to God can he fulfill his life. In fact, David was admonished in the matter of Bathsheba, which is often spoken of only as a matter of sexual immorality, but the essential problem is that he did not use his kingship properly. It is God’s expectation that we use correctly what He has entrusted to us.

He said, “O God! Arise, O God, and judge the earth. For thou hast made all nations thine own.” (v. 8) As we have seen, these words echo verse 1. When we stand above others, we must remember that all is not in our own hands, but we ourselves are in God’s hands. We must realize that we are entrusted with all of this and that we are only set above as caretakers. We need to fear God, who has the power to resurrect Jesus Christ who was buried on the cross, and we need to start our day from the place of acknowledging God. Let your day always begin with praising God. And we must remember to properly fulfill the responsibilities and duties entrusted to us as servants of God. I pray that you have a good day today.

<Quiz Corner>

First, yesterday’s quiz. Which of the following was used as a means of communicating the beginning of the new moon to all of Israel? The answer is: (1) a smork signals, (2) a trumpet, and (3) a fast horse. Now for today’s Bible quiz. What language is linguistically similar to ancient Hebrew and is noted for its similarities in grammar, vocabulary, and even style, especially in poetry? (1) Akkadian, (2) Ugaritic, and (3) Sumerian. I wish you a good day.


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