人生💯倍の賛美😊【聖書】詩篇94篇 主は王であると苦難にあって歌う










Psalm 94: Singing in Suffering that the Lord is King

1. context and background

 In the Septuaginta, the title of the psalm is “David’s hymn for the fourth day of the week,” and it is attributed to David, but the actual context is not known. Another interpretation of this psalm is that it is a living application of Psalm 93, which we read yesterday. Psalm 93 was a praise of God as King, and this psalm is an attempt to confess that God is King in the midst of a society that is actually mired in sin and injustice. In other words, it is a practical application of biblical truth. The background of the imagery differs depending on who the psalmist’s supposed enemies are. If the enemy is a foreigner persecuting the Jews, then it is the time of the captivity; if the enemy is a domestic ruling class oppressing the poor, then it is the time of the apostate King Manasseh; and so on. Although the specific context cannot be specified, the poet calls for God’s righteous intervention against the injustices and contradictions of the world. The important thing is, “How long, O how long will the wicked prevail” (v. 3)? In a society where money and people flock to the wicked and they prosper, and it seems that those with money and power win in the end, how can we continue to confess that God is the King of all things, the One who does what is right? The poet composes this poem as if to confirm his own faith.

2. Structure

 Verses 1-2 are a prayer for God’s judgment, but it is almost a cry. O God of vengeance,” the poet calls for justice. If this is the time of King Manasseh’s apostasy, it is a prayer that yearns for the light to shine in a world of darkness. The “wicked ones” seem foreign to us from verses 5, 10, and 14, but they are our relatives from verses 6, 8, and 20. In other words, those who are of the same faith but deny that faith are envisioned.

Verses 3-7 speak of the arrogance of those wicked ones. Then, from verse 8 onward, the psalmist speaks of his own conviction. First, the psalmist says that our God is not blind to the injustice of the world (vv. 8-10). Then, he says that God knows that the thoughts of the wicked are “empty” (vv. 8-10). The word “empty” is the same word used in Ecclesiastes, havel, as in the key word “empty of the void. Paul takes the meaning of the word and speaks of how “the creation was subjected to ’emptiness'” in Romans 8:20. Those who hold power and money and lead the times cut off the weak for their own convenience and obliterate the righteous. An absurd, confused, and incoherent world unfolds. It is an era in which no one is right and no one is righteous, and in which it is okay to flatter those in power. It is indeed an empty age. Who in the world will make such a situation right (v. 16)? No one. But the psalmist is there to speak of his own conviction. I will not be corrupted like the world, even if the real world is. God, who does what is right, is watching (v. 9). The important thing is to be with the Lord and not let our hearts be corrupted. The important thing is to spend the time being taught by the Lord and having the Lord guard the peace of your heart (v. 13). God will not forsake me (v. 14), nor will His righteousness be lost (v. 15).

3. our praise to God

The psalmist emphasizes the importance of being admonished and taught by God (v. 12). Teaching, in Hebrew, means Torah, the Ten Words (Ten Commandments). As the Ten Words teach, we are to love God and others, no matter what the world is like. And trust in the Lord’s grace. We will live our lives confessing in a Davidic way, “The Lord is my stronghold and the rock of my refuge” (v. 22). It is probably because of this Davidic element that the translation of the Seventy attributes the work to David. We would like to recall how David lived through the injustice of those who believed in God. Just note verse 23, the plural “our God”. God is not the one who satisfies our individual vengeance. God’s vengeance is for the realization of justice and peace for his people as a whole. I pray that you have a good day today.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. On what day was man created in the Creation? The answer was (1) the 1st day, (2) the 3rd day, (3) the 6th day, and the answer was (3) the 6th day. Now for today’s Bible quiz. Who is the person whose name does not appear in the title of the Psalms in the fourth volume of the Psalms? (1) David, (2) Moses, (3) Asaph, and the answer will be given tomorrow. I pray that today will be another good day.


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