人生💯倍の賛美😊【聖書】詩篇98篇 預言的賛歌


 表題は「賛歌」と単純です。「新しい歌を主に歌え(ラテン語でCantate Domino canticum novum)」で始まる、この一節からたくさんの美しい歌曲(カンターテ・ドミノ)が作曲されています。一度は、このカンターテ・ドミノ、聞いておきたいものです。様々ありますので、聞き比べてみてもよいでしょう。ともあれ「新しい歌を主に歌え」この一節は、詩篇33、96、149篇の冒頭にもあり、ハスラー、モンテベルディ、シュッツなど、ルネッサンスからバロック初期の作曲家、また現代の作曲家も創作しているようですが、それほどに歴史的に長く愛された一節です。










Psalm 98: A Prophetic Hymn

1. context and background

 The title is simply “Hymn. Many beautiful songs (cantate domino) have been composed from this passage, which begins, “Sing unto the Lord a new song (Latin: Cantate Domino canticum novum). You should listen to the Cantate Domino at least once. There are many different ones, so you can compare them with each other. Anyway, “Sing to the Lord a new song” is also the beginning of Psalms 33, 96, and 149, and has been created by composers such as Hassler, Monteverdi, Schütz, and others from the Renaissance to the early Baroque period, as well as by contemporary composers.

2. rationale for the hymn

Now, this psalm is very similar to Psalm 96, praising the wonderful works of the Lord, the King, and proclaiming a joyful song as we look forward to the Last Day when He will come as Judge. Verses 1-3 of the first half of the psalm speak of the basis for the praise. They are “the Lord’s wondrous works” (v. 1), “His salvation” (v. 2), and “grace and truth” (v. 3). The term “wondrous works” is used to describe miraculous divine intervention, which, according to one theory, is the context for the deliverance from the Babylonian captivity. Therefore, it is said that the Greek translation of the Psalm is mismatched in its title, “Hymn of David.

 The word “salvation” in verse 2 is the same word used for “victory” in verse 1. In Hebrew, “salvation” and “victory” are the same. In Hebrew, “salvation” and “victory” are the same, since “salvation” with respect to an ally is “victory” over an enemy. The important thing is that God’s salvation is the realization of His righteousness and the manifestation of His faithfulness (v. 3).

It is interesting to note that in Psalm 97, a moral walk was encouraged, but this is followed by a repetition of the Lord’s faithfulness. God’s salvation is not capricious. It is the result of God’s faithfulness in keeping His covenant. Our Lord is the One who “remembers grace and truth to the house of Israel” (v. 3). More than concern for how we ourselves live before God, we must first ask what the Lord has done for us. We must first pay attention to how God has responded to His promises, and then imitate the Lord.

3. shout for joy to the Lord

The psalmist encourages praise to the Lord in the second half. I once visited a church in Kuala Lumpur that had an orchestra box set up in front of the pulpit. Not just a choir, but an orchestra box. But the Bible service is also spectacular. It says, “Shout to the lyre, to the trumpet, to the sound of the horns, before the Lord our King, ~ let there be a roar, ~ let there be a clapping of hands, ~ let there be joyful singing.” Biblical worship has the image of one person bowing down, but it also has the image of everyone joining together, mobilizing all things to shout for joy. In this sense, the church’s worship must be well taught, biblically enhanced, and arranged. This is why the role of church music minister is needed. In fact, since worship is the very missionary work of the church, it is not surprising that there should be a grand cantate domino with emphasis on worship.

Verse 9 is the second ground for praise. A new world is coming, a world without righteousness and justice, a world with a new order, different from the sin-ridden world. It is unlikely that the psalmist understood the coming of Christ or His eschatological second coming, but the Holy Spirit, the true author of the Bible, could have had the psalmist speak of that apocalyptic vision. It is on such an interpretation that the Aramaic translation of the Bible is entitled “A Prophetic Hymn. Indeed, the day of God’s righteousness (Romans 8:19-21) is a time of rejoicing (Revelation 7:9). I wish you a good day today.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. In which direction is the place called the Hill of Zion from the center of Jerusalem? (1) Southwest, (2) southeast, and (3) northeast of Jerusalem. The answer, then, is today’s Bible quiz. What is the difference between the Old Testament trumpet (hatzotzelaah) and the stiletto (shofar)? (1) shape, (2) material, (3) use, and the answer will be given tomorrow. I wish you a good day.


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