Chapter 11: Remembering and Living in the Presence of God
1. which way the heart turns
This chapter 11 also uses the rhetorical technique of antitype-parallelism, which is characteristic of Hebrew poetry. That is, in verse 1, the first line reads, “The scales of deceit are an abomination to the Lord,” and the second line reads, “A righteous weight is pleasing to the Lord.” The second line is, “The righteous weights are pleasing to the Lord,” and the first and second lines are in contrasting ways to make the point clear. In that tone, if you take a quick look at it, it seems that they are trying to teach something by assuming two kinds of people.
For example, the honest person in verse 1 and the humble person in verse 2, such a person is loved by God. But the opposite is true: God hates those who are dishonest or arrogant. The fate of those who are loved by God and those who are hated by God are also discussed in contrasting tones. For example, in verse 3, no matter how much wealth one adds to one’s fortune, the wealth acquired through deceit will be destroyed by God’s wrath, but in verse 5, there is no stumbling block in the steps of those who work faithfully with sweat and tears. Even if a person is faced with a critical situation, verses 6 and 8 say that God, who is watching over that person, will deliver him or her from it. This is something that is not often taught in schooling. You only hear about them if you read the Bible or come to church, but in fact, they are things that you wish you had known earlier.
2.live as if you are building up
So verse 11 says that the righteous who remember God and walk in his ways will have a good influence on those close to them and will make the city prosper. Conversely, the morality of a city is corrupted and degraded by wicked people who do not fear God. In other words, a person’s righteousness gives him or her an influence on relationships and the state of the community. Certainly, if one thinks about it, a cozy, cheerful town would have an atmosphere of joy in the success of the righteous in verse 11, and a defense against unnecessary gossip in verse 12. On the other hand, a stuffy, uncomfortable town is the opposite. There are people who are over the top, who speak out of turn, who say things that have no basis in fact, and who have no integrity. The way an individual lives his or her life is closely tied to the way the community is.
3. living a quality life
The way an individual lives his or her life also determines the rewards and consequences of that life. A kind and gentle woman will be praised, and an arrogant person will only grab the riches she tries to get (v. 16). If you live a life of integrity, you will feel refreshed no matter what the outcome, but if you live an unkind life, your heart will only become rough (v. 17). If you do wrong and get money, you will not have peace. But the reward for doing what is right comes with satisfaction (v. 18). Those who seek righteousness will eventually find joy in life. But those who go down the path of evil will die in vain because their life span is exhausted (v. 19). Or, as in verse 21, they will receive the wages of their wickedness and end up being punished. A person may appear beautiful and kind on the outside, but not when you actually get to know him or her. Beware of women who have no sense of propriety and are extremely rude (v. 22). What is important is what kind of heart you have (v. 20), and whether you are not passionate about evil or wealth (v. 28), but rather seek good (v. 27) and live a life that uses wealth properly (v. 25).
The important thing to remember is that human happiness and contentment are not dependent on the presence or absence of things. It is our attitude toward life and our attitude toward invisible values that make our day richer.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday’s quiz. In ancient Israel, what was the name of the festival to celebrate the wheat harvest? (1) Passover, (2) Feast of the Hermitage, (3) Feast of the Seven Weeks. The answer is (3) the Feast of the Seven Weeks. In ancient Israel, the Feast of Reaping, which celebrated the wheat harvest, was called the Feast of Seven Weeks because it took place seven weeks after the consecration of the first ears of barley (Ex. 23:16). Now for today’s Bible quiz. Was pork or pig’s blood an abominable custom for the Jews, 〇or×? The answer will be given tomorrow. I wish you a good day today.