人生100倍の知恵【聖書】箴言17章 家庭の恵みと祝福







子どもはしっかり躾けましょう。ろくでなしの息子は、旧約聖書に出てくる祭司エリの家庭がそうであったように(サムエル記 第一2:12)、父を辱め(21節)、母を悲しませます(25節)。親が子に心を注ぎ込むならば、それなりの報いはあるものです。心は明るく保つことです(22節)。そのために知恵が必要なのです(24節)。ただ人間は愚かな判断、間違った判断を下すことがあります(26節)。そうであればこそ物事には慎重、クールでなければなりません。しばしば黙っている人は賢く見えることがあります。しかし実際には中身がないだけ、ということもあります。良い人生を生きようとしたら、目を開いて、物事を見分ける力が大切です。では今日もよき一日となるように祈ります。



Chapter 17: Blessings and Blessings of the Home

1. what to seek

This is a passage that seems to be spoken freely and as it comes to mind. In chapter 17, I would like to look at it from the perspective of what is important for those who have a family.

There was a Jewish rabbi in the first century A.D. named Yochanan ben Zakkai. He said, “If you live in this country where there is nothing but bread and rock salt, your future is assured. But what blessing is there in that land of Israel, which is symbolic of desolation and poverty, one might normally wonder. But I think I understand. Even if you are blessed with an abundance of goods and food, you would not want to live in a place where there is constant strife. A piece of dry bread and peace is better than a house full of feasting and strife” (v. 1). (v. 1). What is important is a secure society and home. In other words, a loving society, family, and church that cares for and helps one another, even if they lack goods and money or live in difficult circumstances.

In the Old Testament, there are examples of wise slaves, such as Eliezer (Genesis 15:2) and Ziba (2 Samuel 16:4). They ruled their households by virtue of their abilities and inherited property in preference to their legitimate heirs (v. 2). Verse 3 says that gold and silver are refined by fire and shine, but the heart of man is sanctified by God and shines forth. Adversity and trials are to be welcomed, and God is to be sought. So, verse 4, if you want to live a righteous life, don’t make the mistake of sticking with the wrong person. Verse 5: Poverty and riches are all in God’s counting all, because our circumstances are given to us by God, and if we forget to be humble before God, our wealth will not last long. It is not the building, the car, or the gold and silver. We should be on guard against false lips (v. 7), bribes (v. 8), the vices of obsession and stubbornness (v. 9), foolishness (vv. 10-12), betrayal (v. 13), and the like. They can rob us of our sense of happiness in a matter of seconds.

2. live a life of wisdom

Let’s read the second half of the verse to see how we can secure our days of peace. v. 14, the first step is to avoid strife from the beginning. Conflict can escalate, so we must dismiss it before it starts a fire. Then, verse 15, we must do things in a fair and reasonable manner. Also, we should strive to learn the truth daily. If you have money, invest it in yourself and improve yourself. Do not misuse it (v. 16). Therefore, if you see someone in need, you should try to spare no expense to help them. Do not betray others. We are to share our inexpressible feelings and cherish old relationships that have overcome any hardships together (v. 17). And, they are to do things with careful consideration for the future (v. 18). Do not easily sign a contract or become a guarantor (v.18). People you should keep your distance from are the impudent, the egotistical, the twisted-minded, and the duplicitous (vv. 19, 20).

Children should be well disciplined. A son who is a bastard will disgrace his father (v. 21) and grieve his mother (v. 25), just as the family of Eli the priest in the Old Testament did (1 Samuel 2:12). If parents pour out their hearts to their children, they will be rewarded accordingly. The heart is to be kept cheerful (v. 22). Wisdom is necessary for this (v. 24). However, human beings can make foolish or wrong judgments (v. 26). That being the case, we must be cautious and cool about things. Often a silent person can appear wise. But in reality, they just don’t have any substance. If you want to live a good life, it is important to keep your eyes open and be able to discern things. I wish you a good day today.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. Which king provided cedar wood for Solomon to build the temple? (1) Egypt, (2) Lebanon, (3) Syria, and the answer is (2) Lebanon (1 Kings 5:1-10). Now for today’s Bible quiz. What is the name of the servant who outwitted Mephibosheth, the son of Saul, and was to inherit his property from David? (1) Tziba, (2) Shimui, (3) Eliezer. The answer will be given tomorrow. I pray that today will be another good day.


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