Proverbs 2: Grow in Wisdom and Fear the Lord
1. Wisdom or God first
The author has already told us that the result of despising wisdom is calamity, fear (1:26), and destruction (v. 1:32). Conversely, he says that the result of loving wisdom is the fear of the Lord and the knowledge of God. In other words, wisdom makes a person more discerning, more humble, and more aware of the fact that man is only created by God.
What is important is the concrete image of loving wisdom. That is, the author says, to incline one’s heart to wisdom and “search for it as for silver, to seek it out as for hidden treasure” (2:4) (v. 5). I myself have been blogging about Pastor Makoto’s Bible reading a day at a time for over 25 years now. It takes me about 3.5 years to read through the Old and New Testaments. During the first cycle, I felt like I just read the whole thing. In the second cycle, when I went back and read what I had written, I realized that I was reading the Bible in a rather self-serving way, and I made quite a few corrections. From the third cycle onward, I continued to carefully delve into what the Bible itself was saying as I read it over and over again. Perhaps it was because I was studying for a doctoral degree in graduate school during this time, but the more I read, the more I realized how careless I was in reading God’s Word. And as such humble efforts were accumulated, I feel that I came to understand God better. No skill is acquired through capricious training. In the same way, you will not deepen your understanding of God or your faith by reading the Bible on a whim. It is important to open the Bible every morning and make constant effort to dig out the hidden treasures.
2. The benefits of wisdom
What are the benefits of loving wisdom besides knowing God? First, it helps us understand things correctly and builds up a good life (vv. 9-11). If there is wisdom in the heart and it is well digested, one will know what is right and what is wrong and will find the right path as a person. Proverbs clearly shows those with weak judgment not the dark and crooked path, but the straight path that the pious and the good follow.
So secondly it protects us from various evil temptations and influences. By God’s wisdom, one is protected from the temptations and influences of “those who speak in twists and turns” (vv. 12-15). The author seems to be thinking specifically of thieves, murderers, robbers, tyrants, and loan sharks, but he gives the example of the temptation of a wicked woman (vv. 16-19). A wicked woman is a woman who is skillful with words and whose evil nature is difficult to see on the surface.
And finally, loving wisdom preserves our life. The wise and righteous will survive in the earth, and vice versa, they say, will be eradicated (v. 21). Indeed, if you read biblical history, you will see that this is true. As a result of Israel’s abandonment of God and living in disobedience to Him, their society became corrupt, confused, and decaying, and was eventually destroyed by the invasion of other nations. But when the enslaved cry out to God for help in their suffering, the merciful God forgives them, brings them back to Jerusalem, and rebuilds the nation (Jeremiah 25:5). Indeed, the principle spoken of in Proverbs is proven throughout Israel’s history. By opening and reading the Bible, we learn to know God, to fear Him properly, and to live righteously as human beings. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday’s quiz. Which of the following does “Proverbs” in Proverbs mean? The answer is 1) admonition, 2) a lot, 3) a reckoning, and the answer is 1) admonition. Proverbs means a short phrase that contains a word of admonition or a lesson. Here is today’s Bible quiz. In Proverbs, as in the Psalms, there are chapters with the line beginnings in alphabetical order. (1) Chapter 1, (2) Chapter 20, (3) Chapter 31, and the answer will be given tomorrow. I pray that today will be another good day.