人生100倍の知恵【聖書】箴言28章 正しい歩みを心がける








Chapter 28: Remembering God’s laws

1. leaders and people who fear God

Verse 1, Those who do wrong are always on guard and live inconspicuously. But the righteous fear no one. Verse 2: The stability of a nation depends on its leaders. Verse 3, “the poor” is rendered “wicked” by the Hebrew word lash, which the Greek translation of the Seventy renders as lashah. In other words, when the wicked come to power, the worst possible consequences, equivalent to a mudslide caused by a torrential downpour, ensue. If a “poor man” who is not worthy of his wealth and position comes to power, the damage will be enormous. In any case, a nation is in danger if it is led by a leader who does not have the “common sense and prudence” required by his position. Therefore, he says that it is important to respect the teachings of the Bible, which is the Word of God (verse 4), to obey them (verse 5), to teach people to walk with integrity (verse 6), and to raise up wise young people who will be responsible for the future (verse 7).

Verse 8 gives the image of a kind of greed, one who increases his wealth through interest or high interest. But he who does so “stores it up for him who blesses the poor.” In other words, he may be greedy and store it up, but it will not remain with him. Money is a gift from heaven, and even money accumulated by the rich will go round and round and come back to you. Therefore, he says, we should cherish the Lord’s teachings (v. 9) and fear God (v. 10). Those who have experienced poverty understand what true poverty is. It is not simply a matter of having money or not having money. It is a matter of the heart (v. 11). Success is appropriate for those who fear God. Of course, as they say, failure is also a source of success, so when we fail, we should honestly admit it, correct our ways, and think that another chance will be given to us (v. 13). Do not be discouraged. God sees everything, and those who fear God and desire to live righteously before Him will be happy (v. 14). Therefore, leaders should be well-informed, not mistreating the poor (v. 15), and not playing politics in their own strength (v. 16).

2. live a serious life that acknowledges God.

Verse 17, If you kill a man, you will surely be called to account for his crime. And it is only God who shows mercy to the murderer and protects him from this. But God is on the side of the righteous and abhors the wicked (v. 18). Therefore, He is not an ally. He saves lives and demands repentance, v. 19, and diligent work, even if it is humble. Do not be in a hurry to get rich by getting your hands dirty. God is watching us. Those who live a clean life, acknowledging God who celebrates the work of our hands, will receive certain blessings. Therefore, we are to stay away from the rich (v. 21), not to be in a hurry (v. 22), not to flatter the great (v. 23), not to rely on our parents’ wealth (v. 24), and to put aside greed and trust in the Lord (v. 25). Only the Lord is the source of our blessings, and living in dependence on Him is truly the secret to living a life of abundance (v. 26). We must also be willing to help our neighbors. Mercy is not good for others, and it will always come back to you. A righteous person will disappear when the wicked prevail, but they will return. No matter how strange the world may become, we should not panic. We must remain silent and watch what happens. God’s laws will not change or go awry. God rewards the righteous and faithful and judges the wicked and greedy. We should understand God’s laws in the world and live a wise life.

<Quiz Corner

First, here is yesterday’s quiz. Which country was an important partner in Solomon’s building project? (1) Egypt, (2) Phoenicia (Turo), (3) Ethiopia. The answer was (2) Phoenicia (1 Kings 5:1-12). Now for today’s Bible quiz. Solomon, who is said to have written Proverbs, was around 1000 BC, but how many millennia is the ancient Egyptian wisdom literature that is thought to have been the source material for Proverbs said to date from? (1) 1000 BC, (2) 2000 BC, and (3) 3000 BC. The answer will be given tomorrow. I wish you a good day today.


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