人生100倍の知恵【聖書】箴言3章 知恵は繁栄をもたらす










Chapter 3: Wisdom Brings Prosperity

1. the secret of a fulfilling life

No matter how long a person lives, he or she will never be happy in a life filled with loneliness and strife. Therefore, the author tells us that in a lifetime of loving God’s teachings and obeying God’s commands, there is peace as well as longevity.

The author has already said that in life it is important to seek wisdom and love above all else, but he actually wants to say that it is about acknowledging God and living in relationship with Him, as in “depend more on the Lord” (v. 5) and “know Him” (v. 6).

In other words, one cannot be happy just by being smart or to the point. To live a happy life, you need more than that. In other words, human beings are earthen vessels that return to the earth after death. First of all, we must recognize this reality (verse 7), acknowledge God who brought us into this world and controls everything, and have the piety to think and live within the context of our relationship with God. And to live humbly, valuing what we have been given (v. 9).

 To digress for a moment, verses 11 and 12 are like independent verses and do not seem to have much to do with the preceding and following verses, but they speak of important things. In other words, it is an answer to the question of how one can acknowledge God and live a life cherishing Him and still not have days of life and peace, but rather be caught up in sickness, poverty, and strife. The author of Hebrews in the New Testament quoted this passage and spoke of a time of patience (Hebrews 12:5,6). But, as was the case with Job, such words are difficult to accept when one is in the midst of suffering. But we should remember the conclusion of the book of Job. The God of the Bible is a God of love, a God of the Father, who does not leave people in suffering. We do not know God’s will as to why such things happen, but it is a passing affliction. We must trust in God’s deepest will.

2. the blessing of wisdom

Returning now to the subject, we say that a pious life lived in a way that finds wisdom, that is, a life lived in relationship with God, has longevity, wealth and honor (v. 16), enjoyment and peace (v. 17), and life and happiness (v. 18). It is also said to have the life of the soul, beauty (v. 22), security and no stumbling (v. 23), and sleep is pleasant without fear (v. 24). What we should be interested in is what it means to live in relationship with God. The specific examples the author gives are not grandiose. Rather, they are about applying God’s teachings to simple, familiar matters. For example, v. 9, consider all that you have as God is counting all your possessions and offer the firstfruits; v. 28, do as soon as someone asks you for something; v. 29, do not fall into the hands of those who trust you; v. 30, do not fight without reason; v. 31, when you see someone who overcomes things by force and prosper, do not envy them or imitate their ways; v. 32, when you see someone who is a slave to the power of God, do not be jealous of them. Do not envy them or imitate their ways, v. 31. God looks closely at such people and will not leave them as they are; there is no good ending for them. Living a life that values one’s relationship with God does not mean living a God-centered life of fervent prayer and practice. Nor does it mean living a life of extreme ethical purity. Rather, it is about living according to God’s teachings, valuing the small things in our daily lives and the relationships that are close to us. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. First, a quiz on yesterday’s quiz: How many chapters are there in the Psalms with alphabetical line beginning as in the Psalms? The answer is (1) chapter 1, (2) chapter 20, and (3) chapter 31. 31:10-31, the chapter written about the wise wife, is alphabetized by the first letter of the first line, so-called iroha-uta. Now for today’s Bible quiz. The idea of “firstfruits” is important in the Bible, but where can we find the origin of this idea? (1) Adam and Eve, (2) Cain and Abel, (3) Abraham and Sarah. I pray that today will be another good day.


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