人生100倍の知恵【聖書】箴言31章 しっかりとした女性









Chapter 31: The Firm Woman

1. the woman and the wine trap

This is the last chapter of Proverbs. The last one is a discussion about women and wine. Lemuel’s mother’s advice comes from her heart for her child. First, she tells him not to spend his strength on women (v. 3). This is a warning to the Eastern monarchs, for whom the back palace, or how many queens a king has, is regarded as a sign of his power and prestige (2 Samuel 16:20). As already taught in Deuteronomy 17:17, one of the king’s commandments is not to have many wives. And a warning against alcohol. Alcohol often causes intoxication and leads to errors in judgment. If you are a ruler over others, you should be mindful of your responsibilities, and be judicious about how much you drink and when you drink it. He may be asking you to do your duty as a king, to protect the weak and to be a voice for those who are unable to speak.

2. a firm wife

 Verses 10 and following are alphabetical verses, with the beginning of the line aligned with the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Therefore, some have suggested that this verse alone is a work of unknown author, inserted at a later date. I am not sure about the authenticity of this theory, but it is not necessarily so. It is possible that the mother, wishing for her child’s happiness, chose to use the iroha-uta poem as an easy-to-remember form to help her child learn the important points to consider when choosing a mate. The quality of a person’s life is determined by the kind of companion he or she will spend the rest of his or her life with. Therefore, if you find one, find a good wife who is worth more than jewels, he says (v. 10). However, one must find a lifelong companion in one’s young, immature years, that is, before one has even developed the ability to look at people. If so, it is important to be taught the perspective from which to view people.

 So let us look at the characteristics of a good wife. A good wife does business (vv. 14, 18, 24), cultivates the fields (v. 16), weaves (vv. 13, 19, 21, 22), does household chores, and cares well for those in her family (v. 15). She also has love and compassion, and she does not forget to care for the afflicted and the poor (v. 20). Furthermore, she combines wisdom and kindness (v. 26). She is hardworking, loving, and wise, a woman of three qualities. In short, a woman’s true attractiveness lies not in her superficial beauty, but in her character and dignity. This is what you should look for when choosing a life-long companion. In the end, whether a man or woman fears the invisible Lord and lives with a heart to serve Him is important.

I once stayed at a hotel used by Jews and spent the Sabbath. During that dinner, when the table was set, the patriarch of the family stood up, handed out the Sabbath wine, and was reading something. When I asked him about it later, he said it was this passage. The patriarch would read this passage over and over every week at every Sabbath supper. After the reading, he would thank his wife for the week, praise her, express his love to his children, offer up his prayers, and spend the rest of the evening cheerfully at supper. There they were, as God fearing people, savoring the blessings of the table God had prepared for them as a family. And specifically, there were the parents sharing with their children what they should cherish. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, and sharing important thoughts based on God’s teachings is the secret to a happy family. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. Which descendant is Masa considered to be? (1) Isaac and (2) Ishmael. The answer was (2) Ishmael. However, there is a theory that Massah is not taken as a proper noun, but as a common noun meaning “pronouncement. Now for today’s Bible quiz. What is not required of those who have taken the Nazirite vow? (1) Not to drink wine, (2) Not to cut hair, and (3) Not to eat meat. See you tomorrow for the answer. Now, I pray that today will be another good day.


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