人生100倍の視野【聖書】アモス書8章 地震、日食、飢饉










Chapter 8: Earthquakes, Eclipses, and Famine

1. the end is coming

The first and second visions (first half of chapter 7) and the third and fourth (second half of chapter 7 and chapter 8) are related and paired visions. The former speaks of the horror of God’s judgment, while the latter speaks of the reason for the judgment and its certainty. Note that when read in Hebrew, “summer fruits” is kaitz, and “the end is” kates, i.e., there is a play on words in sound, and the sound gives the impression that God’s judgment is sure to come.

So what is noteworthy is why the end is coming. It is because of the shady business with the poor and needy (vv. 4-7). God reveals His fierce anger, saying, “I will never forget all that they do, forever and ever” (v. 7).

Indeed, Corona has given us much to think about. It may have shown us a reality that makes us appalled at the fact that this world is a society that operates on a profit-making, one-sided basis, and is a society of the weak and the strong. In the morning, without a second thought, we would be crammed into crowded trains, our faces pressed against the windowpanes as we commuted to work or school. That’s what rush hour was like before Corona. I didn’t think it was strange. However, when I experienced commuting with a little more space in the car after Covid, I realized that it was an anomaly. At lunchtime, people were lined up like broiler chickens at the counter of a crowded restaurant, eating their meals and being passed around one after another. I thought this was the norm, but I guess it’s not. Many people who experience remote work and spend more time with their families may wonder what they have been doing all this time, and wonder if there are not more important things in their lives. However, as society becomes more normalized, such important considerations may fade away. If God had said, in Covid, “Wait! If God did say, “Wait!” to the current social trends in Covid, now is the time to think carefully about what is right and what really should have been.

2. the famine of hearing the Word of God

Now, the second half of the book speaks of the judgments of an angry God, earthquakes (v. 8), eclipses (vv. 9-10), and a famine of the Word of God (vv. 11-14). In fact, in the time of Amos, eclipses are said to have occurred twice (in 784 BC and 763 BC). It was not just a natural phenomenon, but a curse from God (v. 10). And importantly, there would be a “famine of hearing the word of the Lord” (v. 11). In fact, after Malachi, the Word of God ceased to be heard in Israel for about 400 years until John the Baptist appeared. Today, there can be no famine of the Word of God because the Word of God has already been given to us in the form of the Bible. But there can be a famine in the sense that eyes clouded by sin cannot see that the Word of God is what satisfies a hungry and thirsty heart.

Dan and Beersheba are symbolic of the northern and southern ends of Israel, respectively, and of the pagan lands. In other words, the vision tells us that those whose eyes are blinded will only adore false idols and will perish. Thus concludes the series of visions beginning in chapter 5 (5:2 and 8:14 are the corresponding frames). What is important is that the eyes of the spirit are opened, that we begin to see clearly what we are beginning to think, dimly, what we were doing, and that we realize clearly the presence of the true God. It is to know that there is a God who loves us and walks with us in this world. I wish you a good day today.

<Quiz Corner          

First, yesterday’s quiz. During which reign was the prophet Amos more active, Jaroboam I or Jaroboam II? The answer was Jarob-am II. Son of Joash, he was the fourth king of the Jehu Dynasty and the 13th king of Israel. During his reign, Israel’s territory was restored to the level of Solomon’s time and reached the pinnacle of its economic prosperity. Now for today’s Bible quiz. An ephah is a unit of capacity used to weigh individuals, such as flour, wheat, and other grains, etc. The shekel was used as a unit of what? (1) water capacity, (2) money, (3) length, and the answer will be given tomorrow. I wish you a good day today.


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