人生100倍の視野【聖書】イザヤ書11章 大路が整えられる











Isaiah 11: The Great Road is Prepared

1. the new world order

This prophecy is dated to 717 BC or later at the earliest. In other words, it is believed to have been spoken at a time when the southern kingdom of Judah was threatened by the Assyrians, who had destroyed Israel, and the nation was on the verge of extinction. Isaiah had already spoken in chapter 10 of the Lord’s protection of the southern kingdom of Judah apart from the northern kingdom of Israel (10:33-34), and here he speaks of “a shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse;” (11:1) and a new world order arising.

However, this message should be understood with caution. Isaiah had already spoken of an ideal Messianic kingdom in 9:2-7, and here again, at the end of his new prophecy beginning in 9:8, he speaks of the same thing in a supplementary way.

After the time of Isaiah, a nation called Babylon rose up to destroy Assyria, and Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, after destroying Assyria, invaded the southern kingdom of Judah, burned Jerusalem, and brought many captives back to Babylon. In later times, some of the captives would return to Jerusalem to rebuild their homeland, as prophesied to Isaiah (10:22), in the days of King Cross of Persia, who destroyed Babylon. But Isaiah’s prophecy here of a new order, an ideal kingdom, is not referring to that time period.

The king who establishes the ideal kingdom is an extraordinary man who fears the Lord so much that nothing has ever happened before or since (vv. 1-2); his government will be just, unbending, bringing hope to the weak and the poor (vv. 3-5); and his kingdom will affect the natural world, where beast and beast, beast and man will taste peace (vv. 6-9). And the “remnant,” as the key word in the Bible reads, will be gathered to him from all the world (vv. 10-12). He also says that the divided kingdoms will become one (v. 13) and that he will subdue the whole world (v. 14). The road to the kingdom will not be the desert-like roadless road that the Israelites, who were slaves coming out of Egypt, once struggled with. He says that a fine main street will be prepared so that the rest of the people in Egypt can return with ease (vv. 15-16).

2. new covenant interpretation

Clearly, such a prophecy speaks of a future beyond the time of Isaiah, and beyond any period of Israel’s history that has been fulfilled, and even beyond the time in which we live today. It no longer speaks of the restoration of one people, Israel, but of the restoration, in a symbolic sense, of the spiritual Israel, the “remnant” that has accepted the Messiah. That is why the day is portrayed not merely as a blessing of material abundance, but as the reality of a blessing of the heart filled with true peace and peace in the Lord.

Reading Isaiah in this way, one sometimes wonders if there were kings in Israel’s history who aspired to good government in order to bring about such a world. I myself would like to realize such a world if I were given such a position and authority. But the reality is that good intentions are not enough to make things happen. Rather, as soon as one gains position or authority, things may move in the opposite direction of such ideals. In other words, the mind of a sinner hinders the realization of such ideals, and I have a part of me that thinks so when I think of the reality of the inner sin that I myself have. Therefore, this realization of the Kingdom is to be understood as a spiritual Kingdom blessing that can only happen through the coming of Christ, which is entirely by divine miracle. We are looking forward to the realization of such a kingdom by the Messiah. I pray that you will have a good day today.

<Quiz Corner

First, here is yesterday’s quiz. Who among the following is not one of “written prophets” who left written documents such as prophecies? (1) Elijah, (2) Isaiah, and (3) Jeremiah. The answer was (1) Elijah. Elijah and Elisha did not leave prophetic books, but some prophets left prophetic books and are distinguished by being called “written prophets. Now, here is today’s Bible quiz. Which of the following combinations of prophet and place of birth is incorrect? (1) Elijah = Tishbeh, (2) Jeremiah = Anathoth, (3) Isaiah = Tekoa. See you tomorrow for the answer. I pray that today will be another good day.


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