Isaiah 12 Let us sing to God
1. thanksgiving praise
Chapter 12 is a continuation of chapter 11 and is where the first part of Isaiah concludes. In the previous chapter, Isaiah spoke of the hope of an ideal kingdom, and these words of praise to God are appropriate for the flow and summary of that story.
In the past, the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt. The Israelites offered praise to God at the time of the Exodus, when they were rescued from slavery. Exodus 15:2 “The Lord is my strength and my praise. The LORD is my salvation. This is my God. I will praise him. The God of my father. To Him I will give praise.” And. Isaiah here envisions a time later, when the southern kingdom of Judah is invaded by Babylon and many of its inhabitants are enslaved and taken away to Babylon. But there, as well, there will be a second exodus, that is, deliverance from the Babylonian captivity, and he offers praise to God, v. 1: “You were angry with me, but your anger has passed away, and you have comforted me. This is an expression of thanksgiving and praise for the fact that something impossible happened to him because of God’s great work.
Following the words of chapter 12, it seems that this praise was done in the form of a communal singing. In other words, one leader sings and the congregation responds in various ways.
For example, in verses 1 and 2, the person praising is “you” in the first person, but in verses 3 and 4, it is “you” in the second person, and in verse 6, it is “you” again in the first person. Then, in verses 1 and 2, the praise leader gives thanks to God alone as the lead. Then, in verses 4-5, the congregation responds to this by saying words that speak to one another in the congregation. Finally, in verse 6, the leader and the congregation join together to say a word of praise to each individual, “The Holy One of Israel is the Great One who is in your midst. Something like that, I suppose. However, it is also considered possible that the recording of this passage is only a fragment, or part of a fragment. In other words, they say that it is incomplete as a hymn script. If this is the case, the original hymn may have been a truly magnificent hymn with solo and chorus singing about the Lord’s salvation and the emotions that welled up in the heart of the singer.
2. missionary praise
Regardless of the form, what is noteworthy in this praise is verse 4: “Let his works be made known among all the peoples. Tell them that His name is hallowed. (v. 5), which is an exhortation to tell the whole earth about God. It is recommended that we should tell the whole earth about the wonderful works that God has done. Moreover, it is recommended that we tell of our own experiences as missionary work.
What the Church was taught through Corona was to return to its essential nature in every aspect of its activities. The churches hit hardest by Corona were those that relied on programs and events to attract people. What is important is the internal conviction of each person who gathers in the church. The question was whether they were experiencing God and delighting in Him in their daily lives, the substance of their faith. The Lord has done great things. If you take joy in believing in God and live your life filled with His grace, it will naturally become the power to testify of God. The power of missionary work is already in each one of us. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday’s quiz. Which of the following prophets is the wrong combination of prophet and hometown? (1) Elijah = Tishbeth, (2) Jeremiah = Anathoth, (3) Isaiah = Tekoa. The answer was (3) Isaiah = Tekoa. Isaiah is believed to have been born and raised in Jerusalem. Now for today’s Bible quiz. Which of the following nations threatened the existence of the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah during Isaiah’s time? (1) Assyria, (2) Babylon, (3) Persia. The answer will be given tomorrow. I wish you a good day today.