人生100倍の視野【聖書】イザヤ書17章 アラムへのメッセージ









Chapter 17: Judgment on Damascus

1. the sentence against Damascus

Since chapter 13, Isaiah has spoken a message to the nations surrounding Israel: Babylon, Assyria, Philistines, and Moab. 17 is a message to the Kingdom of Aram, which is located northeast of Israel. Generally speaking, Aram had a large area of territory extending to the north of Israel, to the west of what is called the Fertile Crescent, that is, the area bordering the Tigris and the Upper Euphrates River. And Israel’s connection to this land goes back to Abraham. Abraham entered the land of Palestine through the Aramaic region. And the chief of his servants was from Aram (Genesis 15:2). In the time of David, when Israel established its kingdom, Aram was temporarily made a tributary state of Israel (2 Samuel 8:5, 6; 1 Chronicles 18:5-6), but became independent again in the time of Solomon (1 Kings 11:23-25), and during the period of the divided kingdom when Israel was divided into northern and southern kingdoms, it allied with the southern kingdom of Judah During the time of the divided kingdom, when Israel was divided into northern and southern kingdoms, it formed an alliance with the southern kingdom of Judah and maintained its independence (1 Kings 15:8-10). When Assyria rose to power, Aram sided with the northern kingdom of Israel and dissolved its relationship with the southern kingdom of Judah. Thus, Aram survived by maintaining delicate relations with its neighbors, but Isaiah says that such a way of life has come to an end. Isaiah says that the Assyrians will come and destroy Aram as well as the northern kingdom of Israel.

Isaiah likens the destruction of Aram to that of a man who is wasting away (v. 4). And although the “valley of Rephaim” in verse 5 is a point southwest of Jerusalem and not directly related to Aram, the image of the harvest in that place accurately conveys Aram’s fate. That is, there was an image of the fruit being harvested so beautifully there that there was very little left over. It is as if the olives were harvested by striking them down with a stick, and only a few remain on the branches (v. 6). This prophecy was fulfilled in the days of the Assyrian kings Tiglath-pileser and Shalmaneser (2 Kings 15:29, 17).

2. don’t forget the god of salvation

 Aram believed that he could maintain security by forming an alliance with the Northern Kingdom of Israel. However, there are many unexpected situations in human society. Isaiah prophesied the destruction of Moab in chapters 15 and 16, and he says the same is true of Aram. In other words, verse 2, “Arroel,” a typical town in Moab, and Damascus, the capital of Aram, will be the same way. And even if “Aroer” is a superior and solid city, he says it will be destroyed without a trace, like the harvest of the valley of Rephaim and the harvest of the olive tree (v. 9), because it did not remember the true “God of our salvation, the rock of our strength” (v. 10).

Assyria boasted a huge military force consisting of a multinational army. Before the threat of that empire, many nations murmured and groaned (v. 12). They were helpless. But verse 13 says that God can destroy even such a powerful nation in an instant. In other words, everything is under God’s control, and it is God who decides. No matter how powerful a person may become, he or she will never take God’s place. God, who is the ruler of all things, gives honor to men, and men are required to understand this and walk with discretion. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. Which of the following rivers borders Moab and Edom? (1) Yabok River, (2) Arnon River, and (3) Zeredeh River. The answer was (1) the Zerede River. Although there have been various changes historically, basically the Jabok, Arnon, and Zerede rivers are the natural boundaries, and from the north, Ammon, Moab, and Edom are lined up. Now for today’s Bible quiz. Which of the following was the largest town in Aram and was considered the capital? (1) Samaria, (2) Damascus, (3) Antioch, and the answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I pray that you have a good day today.


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