Chapter 19: The Final Blessing
1. pronouncement to Egypt
Chapter 19 is a message to Egypt. When Assyria conquered Aram and the Northern Kingdom of Israel, Egypt called upon the remaining Palestinian nations to form an anti-Assyrian alliance. For the Southern Kingdom of Judah, this seemed to be the only way to survive and not be conquered by Assyria. Isaiah, however, warns the Southern Kingdom of Judah against leaning on Egypt. He disagrees and says, “Look at what is happening in Egypt right now. Egypt is now in social turmoil (vv. 2-4). Ethnic rivalries within Egypt are deepening (v. 2), and its religion is corrupt and confused (v. 3). Furthermore, external enemies (v.4), drought, and the fishing industry, as well as the spinning industry of flax and white cloth weaving, which were the main industries of the time (vv.5-10), have been damaged (vv.11 “foolish” refers to the lack of spiritual discernment, meaning that the leaders lack the ability to remember God who rules all and to conduct correct government. It is saying that they do not have it. In other words, both Zoan and Memphis were prosperous capitals of ancient Egypt, but all the leaders there did was wave the people around (v. 13), and there was no functioning politics at all. With social turmoil, economic damage, and a political system that is spinning out of control, Egypt is on the verge of decline and collapse, so why would anyone want to rely on a country like this?
2. revival of Egypt and world peace
Verse 14 says that the reason for Egypt’s decline is that the Lord “breathed into it a spirit of confusion,” that is, the Lord did it. It is spoken of as if God is cursing Egypt and trying to destroy it, but this is not the case. It means that He left Egypt as it was because He wanted to be free to do as He pleased. The Lord’s heart is always to help and save. One of them will be called Il ha-Hereth.” It is not clear whether what is being said is the name of five specific well-known towns or something symbolic. The Japanese Kougo-yaku and Kyoudou-yaku translate it as “city of the sun,” but the Shinkai-yaku 2017 only transliterates the Hebrew. The important thing is that it probably tells us that in the midst of the time of turmoil, there will be a repentance that acknowledges the Lord, fears the Lord, and turns to the Lord (v. 20). God promises to accept that repentance and heal Egypt (v. 22).
What is surprising, however, is verse 23, which prophesies that the two great powers, Egypt and Assyria, will both worship God, and Israel will stand between them and receive God’s blessing from all three. This is a very unlikely scenario from a practical standpoint, and it is not something that has actually happened in history. After all, this is where we should expect an apocalyptic prophecy. In other words, the Savior God sends here, the turning to the Lord, and the superpowers joining hands to receive God’s blessing are all things that will happen spiritually and in the apocalypse. God says. All these nations are “made with my hands” (v. 25). All things in the world are created and loved by God. God’s saving thought for all of them is strong. And such a message, in which all the world is blessed by God together, belongs to the Christian. I hope that Christians will be the first to show the biblical vision that this is where the times are headed. I wish you all a good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday’s quiz. Whom are the Cushites said to be descended from? (1) Ham, (2) Shem, and (3) Japheth. The answer was (1) Ham’s descendants (Genesis 10:6-8). Now, here is today’s Bible quiz. When is the time of year when the Nile River is most likely to increase in volume and flood? (1) February-May, (2) July-September, and (3) October-December. The answer will be given tomorrow. I pray that you have a good day today.