人生100倍の視野【聖書】イザヤ書22章 悔い改める









Chapter 22: Repent

1. warning against the “valley of vision

 The “valley of vision” in verse 1 refers to Jerusalem in the southern kingdom of Judah. Jerusalem was a city surrounded on three sides by two great valleys, Hinnom and Kideron. Today, the valleys have been filled in by repeated wars throughout history, and it is only a matter of time before there was once a valley there. At any rate, Isaiah is moved to “weep bitterly” about the city (v. 4).

The background for this is the event of 701 BC, when Sennacherib, king of Assyria, attempted to invade Jerusalem. At that time, Assyria, while besieging Jerusalem, somehow suddenly retreated overnight. The people of Jerusalem rejoiced at this, but the truth is that the crisis was of God, and the people of Jerusalem were required to repent and turn to God (v. 5). Instead of repenting, however, they even assumed that the crisis had passed because of the “weapons of the palace of the forest” (v. 8), weapons that Solomon had amassed, human power. They did not think it was God’s help. At the time, King Hezekiah had just completed the amazing feat of drawing water from the cisterns of Siloam into the city, so they may have been even more overconfident in their own power. They only overcame things miraculously by the power of God, but they never thought of it that way. The same may be true for us. Since everything that happens in the world comes from God, one should remember God’s hand more and be humble in being saved. 

Isaiah says to the naughty Jews, “Such a defense is useless, why are you making a festive noise (v. 2)? Later, in 586 BC, Jerusalem would indeed fall under the attack of King Nebuzadnechal of Babylon, but at this time no one had yet thought of such a thing. Only Isaiah was taught by God to feel the horror of this critical situation.

2. personal warning

The first half of the warning is to the people of Judah as a whole, while the second half, beginning in verse 15, specifically names the leaders of the southern kingdom of Judah. Shebna (v. 15) was a scribe of Hezekiah (2 Kings 18:18; 19:2) who negotiated with the messenger of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, when he sent his general, Rab Shakeh, to force the opening of Jerusalem. Shebna built lavish homes and tombs after this critical event. In other words, he made it seem as if the miraculous liberation was due to his own negotiating skills, and he probably received many commendations. Originally, he should have said to the people, “Not I, but the God of creation, brought about this miraculous deliverance,” and attributed the honor to the God who had delivered him from the Assyrian threat, but he did not do so. So God says that he will take away his honorable position and give it to El-Yakim (v. 20). El-Yakim was the Temple Chief who served Hezekiah and who responded with Shebna in the earlier crisis. Isaiah tells us that he will take over Shebna’s position and will be an outstanding leader. The fork in their lives was the difference in their ability to recognize that “the days of panic and of overrunning and of confusion will come from the Lord, the God of hosts” (v. 5), the One who has created every defense to protect us. It is human pride and sinfulness to think that what God has saved us from is not God, but our own strength. We should free ourselves from such sinfulness, correctly assess our abilities, recognize God, rejoice in what God has given us, and enjoy life in a natural way.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. Which of the following is the name of the town in Arabia mentioned in the Gautama poem? (1) Dedan, (2) Tema, and (3) Kedar. The answer was (3) Kedar. Kedar refers to the Syrian-Arabian Desert, which stretches from Palestine to Mesopotamia, and the nomadic people of the region, the Kedarites, lived in black tents (Song of Songs 1:5). Now for today’s Bible quiz. How deep was the Pool of Siloam? (1) 3 meters, (2) 6 meters, (3) 9 meters, and the answer will be given tomorrow. I pray that today will be another good day for you.


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