人生100倍の視野【聖書】イザヤ書30章 神の豊かな祝福








Chapter 30: God’s Abundant Blessings

1. futile efforts

Verse 1, No matter what measures you take or alliances you make, if you proceed “not according to me,” that is, without God, the result will not be what you expect. Isaiah is warning the leaders of the southern kingdom of Judah. v. 4 “Zoan” was an ancient city in the northeastern part of the lower Nile River delta. And “Hanes” is a city located in central Egypt, in the middle reaches of the Nile River. In other words, the leaders of the Southern Kingdom of Judah tried to avert the Assyrian threat by secretly forming an alliance with another great power, Egypt. But God says that even if they traveled deep into the interior, up the Nile into central Egypt, to ask for help, it would be of no avail. v. 6 “Negev” is, roughly speaking, the southern land of Israel, actually bounded on the north by a line through Beersheba and Arad to the Dead Sea, on the east from the Dead Sea to Aqaba The south is bounded on the south by a line connecting Elate with the Egyptian River. It was the arid wasteland of the south, a place where even more ferocious and poisonous snakes could be found. It would be an arduous journey through such a dangerous place, carrying treasures on the backs of asses and camels, all the way up to the middle reaches of the Nile. But it would be an empty endeavor, he said. The power of Assyria is not easy as you think (v. 16).

2. the blessing of seeking the Lord

Previously, Isaiah had opposed King Ahaz’s attempt to form an alliance with Assyria (2 Kings 16:7). On the other hand, he also opposed those who, unlike King Ahaz, sought to ally themselves with Aram and the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Here he further opposes relying on Egypt. Is it Isaiah who is all about opposition? Not at all. As may be the case in any age, even in this age, politicians were driven by the superficial trends of the times and did not essentially think about how their country should proceed. Isaiah tells such politicians that they should proceed on the path of independence and self-government, calmly watching the trends of the times. Of course, this is a path that cannot stand without faith in God, who governs and makes things right and good (v. 8). The important thing to remember is that God’s power is not as small as one might normally think. And even if the current of the times moves toward swallowing up and destroying the Southern Kingdom of Judah, God says that He is able to revive the Southern Kingdom of Judah. No, on the contrary, God is the One who will restore what was lost, many times over. To you, he says, the moon will be like the sun, and the sun’s light will shine seven times brighter. God is great and powerful, he says (vv. 20-24).

Verses 27 and following pronounce judgment against Assyria, which is a threat to Israel. He says that the Lord will strike Assyria, which has made Judah its staff of punishment (v. 31). v. 33, Topheth, a place for offering human sacrifices to Molech, was located in the valley of Ben Hinnom. It was originally a place of disposal. He says that the king of Assyria would also be buried there. Relying on the Word of God may often seem ignorant, reckless, or ill-advised. But in times when the world seems to be moving in a threatening way, it is not wrong for Christians to act with calm and sober judgment, wondering how God will move things ahead. Everything is in God’s control. I pray that you have a good day today.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. What was Lebanon famous for in biblical times? (1) timber such as cedar, (2) fruit trees such as grapes, and (3) minerals such as gold. The answer is (1) cedar and other timber. In particular, in the ancient East, the cedar of Lebanon was valued as the best building material. Now, here is today’s Bible quiz. Which of the following peoples lived in the Negev? (1) Amalekites, (2) Philistines, (3) Edomites. I pray that today will be another good day for you.


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