Isaiah 34 – Keep Your Eyes on the Word of the Lord
1. the apocalyptic message
Isaiah has spoken of specific prophecies to Israel and Judah (chapters 1-12) and the surrounding nations (chapters 13-23), as well as apocalyptic prophecies to all mankind (chapters 24-35), telling them to heed the Word of God. Chapters 34, which we read today, and 35, which we will read tomorrow, summarize the previous messages. Isaiah calls out to the whole world, “O nations,” “the peoples of the nations,” and speaks of God’s judgment in chapter 34 and the hope of restoration by God in chapter 35.
The first part of chapter 34 (vv. 1-5) is more of an apocalyptic image of the end of the world than a depiction of the warfare of an era. Massacres, abandoned corpses, and bloodstained mountains. In some arid Palestinian mountainous areas, when it rains, the mountainsides look as if they have melted; verse 3, “the mountains melt with their blood,” probably means that a great deal of blood has been spilled. However, the scale of this warfare extends to the heavens, “All the heavenly host will decay, and the heavens will be rolled up like a scroll” (v. 4). This is reminiscent of the final scene described in the Book of Revelation, where the universe is destroyed (Revelation 6:14).
We confess our faith that the God of the Bible is a righteous God and that He will judge righteously, but in reality, many things on earth seem to go unjudged and buried in darkness. But God is still righteous. God does not leave anything undone. Isaiah says, “Search the book of the Lord and read it (v. 16). In Isaiah 30:8, we are told to “write the prophecy in the book and make it an everlasting testimony for the days to come. The word of God was fulfilled in every instance.
2. the sentence against Edom
Beginning in verse 5, Isaiah speaks of God’s judgment against Edom. Botsurah is an important fortified city in Edom. He says that God will judge the city severely. Edom then falls as God prophesied, falling into ruins and becoming a place where thorns and thistles grow and where jackals and tamarins dwell (vv. 11-15). So it is.
The great end-time prophecy is followed by a specific prophecy of judgment against the nation Edom, but this Edom, too, is probably used in a symbolic sense. In other words, it is symbolically speaking of judgment against those who oppose God’s people Israel through the nation of Edom.
The important thing to remember is that all of the Lord’s writings, or words spoken by God, are spoken as being put into action. It is the word of truth written by the Spirit of God. However, many people do not see the Bible as such a special book. This is because our sinful hearts prevent us from understanding the Word of God as the Word of God. We want the eyes of our hearts to be opened to realize what God is saying, our sensitivity to God’s Word to be heightened, and our confidence that God’s Word is true. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday’s quiz. Which geographical area does Bashan refer to? (1) The area between Mount Hermon and the Yabok River. (2) Between Mount Hermon and the Arnon River, and (3) Between Mount Hermon and the Zerede River. The answer was (1) between Mount Hermon and the Yabok River. It is a fertile area, famous for its strong bulls, tall trees, etc. Now for today’s Bible quiz. Botsurah is an important fortified city in Edom, but what else was it famous for? (1) agriculture, (2) dyeing industry, and (3) mining. See you tomorrow for the answer. I wish you a good day.