人生100倍の視野【聖書】イザヤ書35章   主の贖いの希望を得る











Chapter 35: Gaining Hope in the Lord’s Redemption

1. prophecy of the restoration of captivity

 Chapter 35 is a continuation of Chapter 34 and is a summary of the previous chapters, or the first half of Isaiah. In the previous 34 chapters, judgment was spoken of. In chapter 35, God’s judgment is assured. In chapter 35, we are told that God not only judges, but also brings restoration, that is, after judgment, there is hope for restoration. From the desolate images of wilderness and desert, we are told of a paradise where water gushes forth, rivers flow, burnt land becomes streams, and flowers bloom in profusion. This is not a mere story of promises. In fact, Israel suffered the hardship of the Babylonian captivity, but was then given the opportunity to rebuild the nation.

 Judgment is a fear-mongering theme, but God’s judgment is meant to bring justice to the world, to realize His righteousness. Therefore, it is not the end of the story. There is always hope of restoration. Therefore, Isaiah tells us that if we fall into the tribulations of captivity, we should not be discouraged and slump down, but rather, with repentance and faith, we should “strengthen our weak hands and make firm our prostrate knees (v. 3). Hands” means strength, and “knees” means stability and continuity. He tells them to support one another with God’s encouragement, “Be strong and do not be afraid” (v. 4). Vengeance is the retribution of God’s people against their enemies, and retribution is their deliverance from the evil they have suffered. These, too, are sure to happen, he said.

But at the time, Isaiah’s words were still speaking of events more than 100 years in the future. No one would have been able to understand this prophecy. However, in later times, when Jerusalem was actually destroyed by Babylon and the Israelites suffered the pain of captivity, they remembered that Isaiah’s words had been fulfilled, repented, and held out hope in the faithfulness of God.

2. acceptance of redemption

In later times, those who returned to Jerusalem after being released from the Babylonian captivity must have remembered the fulfillment of Isaiah’s words and recognized that God is faithful to keep His promises (v.5). And they must have recognized that God is indeed alive, that He has indeed not forsaken us, that He has indeed judged our wickedness, and that we should turn to Him and offer our remaining lives for His glory! and would have wanted to dedicate the rest of his life to the glory of God (v. 6). That is how Jerusalem would be rebuilt (v. 7).

The road back to Jerusalem was a “great road” (v. 8) filled with hope. It is an unobstructed path, visible from all directions. Only the unclean cannot pass through it. That is to say, only the redeemed can pass (v. 9). Here the idea of redemption suddenly appears. And this limitation makes us think that this prophecy has an apocalyptic meaning that goes beyond the deliverance from the Babylonian captivity.

The atonement means forgiveness of sins through the blood shed by sacrificial animals, and release from slavery through payment of a price. So here we are not simply referring to the returned captives, but to those who have received a special relationship with God through the price of blood, that is, those who have received the salvation of the soul in the forgiveness of sins on the cross of the Lord Jesus. Therefore, the “holy way” is also interpreted as the way to the eschatological new heaven and new earth, free from the world. It is a path that makes the cross of Jesus its triumphal entry. Therefore, on that road there will be no more lions or beasts of prey to threaten, no more fools to annoy. It is a path where “enjoyment and joy will follow, and sorrow and grief will flee away” (v. 10). There will be a recovery in this life. But let us walk with faith that there is a greater restoration, that is, a path beyond the path of old age and death that everyone follows, a path of ultimate liberation and blessing. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. Botsurah was an important fortified city in Edom, but what else was it famous for? (1) Agriculture, (2) Dyeing industry, (3) Mining. The answer was (2) dyeing industry (Isaiah 63:1). Now, here is today’s Bible quiz. Where is the area generally referred to as the Field of Sharon? (1) North of Mount Carmel, (2) south of Mount Carmel to Joppa, (3) south of Joppa. (3) South of Joppa. The answer will be given tomorrow. I wish you a good day.


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