Isaiah 37 – Just Look to the Lord
1. the threat of Assyria
Repeatedly, Isaiah has spoken out to show the certainty of God’s word, telling us that he would record the events of the defeat of Assyria as it besieged Jerusalem (30:8), and furthermore, that we should examine and read the book of the Lord (34:16). His labor was rewarded! Or should I say, when the king of the southern kingdom of Judah becomes Hezekiah, Hezekiah comes to Isaiah for help from God. But the southern kingdom of Judah is surrounded by soldiers on all sides, and Jerusalem is about to fall. It was too late for them to come to Isaiah for help at a time like this (v. 1)! (v.1).
Isaiah, however, accepts Hezekiah and tells him, “Do not be afraid of those words” of the enemy (v. 7). I have come well. It is not too late for God. Then the enemy general, Rab Shakeh, leaves his army in Jerusalem and reports and consults with King Sennacherib. King Sennacherib was attacking Libnah, about 70 km north of Lachish (v. 8). There was probably still an armed uprising by the remnants that needed to be contained. Also, when he learned that Cush, or Tirhakah, the Ethiopian king of Egypt, had moved reinforcements, he sent another letter urging unconditional surrender in order to pressure Jerusalem to fall quickly in preparation for a siege battle (v. 14).
Hezekiah, hearing of the Egyptian reinforcements, no longer hesitates, but goes to the temple, turns his heart to God himself, whom King Sennacherib denies, spreads King Sennacherib’s letter before God, and prays for help (v. 14). Indeed, this is an episode that suggests what the temple, or the church, is today. It is in the church that the Lord is present, and that is where we should gather and offer up our prayers. The Lord hears the prayers of His saints.
2. God’s Response
God responded to Hezekiah through Isaiah. He gives words of judgment to Assyria (vv. 22-29) and words of promise to Hezekiah (vv. 30-32). God would not allow Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, to be exalted and to bring contempt upon Himself. The great power of Assyria was only given by God, not King Sennacherib’s ability. God reminds him of that fact, he says. God reminds them of that fact and sends them back the way they came. Hezekiah, on the other hand, who seeks God in his distress, is promised not only deliverance from Assyria, but also the restoration of normalcy and joy in the harvest in the cities that had been ravaged by Assyria. The words are powerful: “Rooted beneath and fruitful above” (v. 31). It is powerful language (v. 31), for it implies stable prosperity. And so it is that Assyria is defeated by the miraculous work of God, not by Egypt’s reinforcements, and Hezekiah’s government is blessed thereafter. The Word of God is a true and trustworthy Word.
Society and the church have been greatly affected by the corona disaster. As the corona crisis is now treated as a common disease, many people are feeling that they have to start all over again from scratch, even though society and the church have begun to move forward. Some may be wondering where to start, where to begin. I myself feel something like that. But let us heed the words of Isaiah. God is gracious. He is the One who does great works in the land of the wasted so that the “remnant” and the “fugitives” may “take root below and bear fruit above. We should consider that as long as there is life on earth, there is hope. The “zeal of the Lord of hosts” will make the faithful stand and complete the Church. On that day, the wonders of God will happen, “the angel of the Lord will go out. Let us be aware that there is a life in which we can bet on the wonders of God. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday’s quiz. What language did Rab Shakeh, the general who laid siege to Jerusalem, use when he pressed Israel to surrender? (1) Aramaic, (2) Hebrew, and (3) Arabic. The answer was (2) Hebrew. Now for today’s Bible quiz. What are the Hebrew pottery shards written in the ancient Phoenician script that were excavated at Lachish called? (1) Lachish letter, (2) Jerusalem letter, (3) Lachish pottery shards, and the answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I pray that today will be another good day.