人生100倍の視野【聖書】イザヤ書38章 神の哀れみが注がれる

 ヒゼキヤ王の個人的なエピソードが記されています。ヒゼキヤは病気になって死にかかっていました。しかし神の哀れみによって奇跡的に回復しています。明日読む39章には、バビロンの使者に宝物倉を見せるエピソードが続いています。そこで、ちょっと注意したいのは、39章の宝物倉のエピソードをよく読むと、そこには先にセンナケリブに渡したはずの銀や金が出てきます。ということは、38-39章のエピソードは、時間的には、どうも36-37章の前に来るはずのものでしょう。つまりこの出来事は、センナケリブがユダ南王国に侵略を開始するBC701 年の直前に起ったものと考えられているのです。ですから、本来の時間順序で、エピソードを並べなおしてみると、まず38-39章、ヒゼキヤの病気(BC711年)、続いて36-37章、センナケリブのエルサレム包囲(BC701 年)、そしてヒゼキヤの死(BC696 年)となります。このように記事が時間的に前後してしまうのは、イザヤ書が列王記のような年代記ではないためで、預言書という文学ジャンルによくあるものです。








Isaiah 38: God’s Compassion Pours Out

1. arrangement of articles in reverse order

 A personal episode of King Hezekiah is described. Hezekiah was sick and dying. But through God’s compassion, he miraculously recovered. Chapter 39, which we will read tomorrow, continues the episode of showing the treasure house to the Babylonian envoy. So, a word of caution: if you read the treasure house episode in chapter 39 carefully, you will see silver and gold there that should have been given to Sennacherib earlier. This means that the episode in chapters 38-39 is supposed to come before chapters 36-37, apparently in time. In other words, this event must have occurred just before Sennacherib’s invasion of the southern kingdom of Judah in 701 BC. Thus, if we rearrange the episodes in their original chronological order, we find chapters 38-39, Hezekiah’s illness (711 BC), followed by chapters 36-37, Sennacherib’s siege of Jerusalem (701 BC), and Hezekiah’s death (696 BC). This back and forth in time is common in the prophetic literary genre because Isaiah is not a chronicle like the book of Kings.

2. God Moved by Hezekiah’s Tears

Now verse 1, “Set your house in order. You will die. You will not be healed.” According to the Old Testament, when we die, we all go to a place called Sheol. It is the land of the dead, the land of darkness. Although the Old Testament is not entirely silent on the subject of hope after death (Job 19:25-26), the idea of resurrection after death was made clear in the resurrection of Jesus in the New Testament. In this age when death was almost considered the end, Isaiah’s pronouncement was truly the worst thing that could have happened to Hezekiah (v. 11). Hezekiah, we are told, cried out loud as he prayed to God. God was moved by Hezekiah’s tears and promised to extend his life for another 15 years.

3. Prayer of Hezekiah who recovered

From verse 9, we see the prayer of Hezekiah, who has recovered from his illness. Hezekiah compares his fear of facing death and his state of mind to four things. First, the shepherd’s tent. Like a tent blown away by the wind, the place of one’s life suddenly disappears (v. 12). It is unspeakable wonder. Second, the thread of weaving. Halfway through your work, you are interrupted and the thread is cut off. A situation in which you are condemned that your life is over (v. 12). It was, he says, like the heart of a male lion that cries madly until morning (v. 13), or a bird that looks up to the heavens and cries (v. 14). Hezekiah’s mindset is described as one of attachment to life and regret.

However, God answers Hezekiah’s prayer and extends his life. Hezekiah learns as he recovers from his illness. He learns that this illness was God’s chastisement and an opportunity for divine edification. There is something reminiscent of the Book of Job. In the midst of the unwillingness and twisting hardship of an insurmountable disease, he realizes what man is and looks up to God. He is then led to the conclusion to live the life God has given him with thanksgiving and praise to God. I have felt this way as I cared for my father, who was almost bedridden, but his mind remained clear. In such a situation, it is impossible to live with thanksgiving, praise, and joy without a relationship with God. This is the last test of mankind that can be overcome only with the certainty of the invisible God’s presence. I would like to think about what we as human beings should really cherish in our lives. I wish you all a good day.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. What is the name of the piece of Hebrew pottery excavated at Lachish that was written in the ancient Phoenician script? (1) Lachish letter, (2) Jerusalem letter, and (3) Lachish pottery shard. The answer was (1) the Lachish Letter, one of the Lachish excavations discovered between 1935 and 1938, which is said to vividly convey the state of the Southern Kingdom of Judah just before its destruction. Now for today’s Bible quiz. In the book of Isaiah, which of the following is considered a chapter of historical record? (1) Chapters 13-23, (2) Chapters 24-35, (3) Chapters 36-39, and the answer will be given tomorrow. Then I pray that today will be another good day.


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