1. the song of the second servant
Chapter 49 is called the Second Servant Song. The first servant song is found in chapter 42. Again, let us consider who the “servant” of verse 3 refers to. He is called by God and promised to manifest God’s glory. He anticipates that the mission he has been given will be a difficult one, one in which all his efforts will be in vain and he will “exhaust himself in vain. He is convinced, however, that his mission is from God (v. 4) and that it will bring salvation not only to Israel but also to the nations, the Gentiles (v. 6). He says that the work of a person called a servant does not proceed as he wishes, but ends up empty. Who exactly is the servant referring to?
One could understand “servant” collectively as the nation of Israel, but verse 5 clearly refers to a single person, “I,” spoken of in the first person. The collective nominative interpretation becomes difficult. Also, as in the Song of the First Servant, verses 10-12 speak not only of deliverance from the Babylonian captivity and the rebuilding of Jerusalem, but also of the hope of eschatological deliverance and eternal salvation that will come through the Messiah. In other words, it is probably best to think of him as the same person assumed in the Song of the First Servant. If this is the case, then this is clearly a prophecy about the Messiah, the Savior, since there is no other person but Jesus Christ who will take on the mission of God and confront the difficult apocalyptic vision.
2. the restoration of Zion
What is important is that this prophecy speaks deeply of the love of the Savior, and of trusting in that deep love of God and deciding to live in His love.
Let us note, then, that God confesses His abiding love for man with two parables. The first is mothers. He addresses the depth of a mother’s love, saying that a mother would never forget her infant, much less God (v. 15). Another is the ancient custom of tattooing the name of one’s lover on the palm of one’s hand (Gautama 8:6), saying, “Behold, I have engraved you on the palm of my hand. I have engraved thee in the palm of my hand.” He says, “Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands. God loves us so much that He inscribes our names on His body. Then how can God not fulfill His promises?
God, who expresses His love for man in such a way, is not a being of the past. He says, “I live” (v. 18). From verse 18 onward, Zion is likened to a “bride” and the Israelites to “ornaments” and ” belts” (v. 18), and we are told of God’s plan to rebuild Jerusalem after its ruins, or even better, to fill the city with people and enjoy its prosperity (v. 19). (v. 19). This is clearly a prophecy about the Jews returning from the Babylonian captivity to rebuild their nation. Moreover, when it does happen, it will be so amazing and unimaginable that no one will think it is something they have done on their own (v. 21). Rather, he says, they will understand that God has blessed them as he promised.
Verse 23 God says, “He who waits for God will not see shame” (v. 23). Certainly one has the experience of humiliation and of being tormented by scorn. But we must not be corrupted in the midst of it. Do not give up on life, even when you are informed of your powerlessness and incompetence. Rather, remember that there is a God who blesses those who call upon Him in spite of their helplessness and incompetence. And to look forward to the future. God is on our side, our Savior, Redeemer, and Mighty Helper. Experiencing God’s love for sinners is a blessing in life. Now, we pray.