最初に、昨日のクイズです。イザヤが預言者として神の召しを受けたのは、どの王様の時代であったでしょうか?①ウジヤ、②ヨタム、③アハズ。答えは①ウジヤでした。イザヤが神の啓示を与えられたのは、ユダ王国の四人の王、ウジヤ(BC792- )、ヨタム(BC750-)、アハズ(BC743- )、およびヒゼキヤ(BC729-)の時代ですが、イザヤが預言者としての召命を受けたのは、ユダの王ウジヤが死んだ年でした(6:1)。では今日の聖書クイズです。一般にイザヤ書は、前半と後半の二巻に分けられますが、後半の始まりは何章になるでしょうか?①20章、②30章、③40章。答えはまた明日。では今日もよき一日となりますように祈ります。
Chapter 5: Lacking the Fear of God
1. the song of the vineyard
Isaiah begins to tell a parable. A certain man had a vineyard, planted good grapes in it, and looked forward to their harvest. But when he harvested them, he found that they were sour grapes (vv. 1-3). So God removes the hedge of the vineyard and says that wild animals invade and trample it down, leaving it desolate. In fact, after King Solomon, various nations repeatedly invaded Israel, leaving the kingdom weakened and desolate. But this does not mean that God has abandoned them. God is not the one who whips people into submission, but respects their free will. Therefore, being thrown out would mean that God’s special favor has been stopped. It means that Israel was allowed to live on its own in a world of human weakness. God wants people to realize and turn on their own. God is love.
2. Woe to the sins of Judah
Starting in verse 8, we are told of the specific sins of the Southern Kingdom of Judah at that time. One says that there are situations in which everyone thinks only of themselves (vv. 8-10). God’s judgment on this situation is that each seeks his own gain, but there is no commensurate harvest. 10 tzemed is an area that would take a day to plow, but the yield of grapes there is only 2 liters, enough for two cases of 6-pack plastic bottles. The amount of seed used is about 10 times that, yet the amount of grain harvested is only one-tenth of that. Next, the extravagant lifestyles of the rich are pointed out (vv. 11-17). It is not the alcohol or music that is wrong, but the attitude and awareness. People must use the goods, time, talents, and gifts they have been given correctly according to God’s will. They are given by God’s grace and should be used accordingly. Without such understanding, however, the grace will be taken away. This is similar to the judgment of the great whore that John describes in the book of Revelation (Revelation 18:16, 17). And third, the sin of lying (vv. 18-20). This is the darkness of those who say that white is black and black is white. After all, if we deny the existence of an absolute God, we end up with a world that allows those who are powerful to be tyrannical. It is a world where moral values are neglected (v. 20) and self-pride is rampant (v. 21). It is a world in which the wicked will go to excess (v. 22), and the righteous will be trampled underfoot (v. 25).
3. God’s Judgment
It is only natural that God would intervene with judgment (v. 24). Both the “earthquake” (v. 25) and the “storm” (v. 30) symbolize the presence of God and the manifestation of His power. But sandwiched in between is another force (vv. 26-29). It prophesies the invasion of Assyria, the so-called plunderers whom God has sent out as instruments of judgment. The Assyrian army had two-wheeled chariots and rode at high speed,” which posed the equivalent of a roaring, bellowing threat. John, by the way, uses the same wine imagery in the New Testament book of Revelation to speak of God’s judgment (14:19). This means that Isaiah’s prophecy is by no means a thing of the past. God is alive. I pray that you have a good day today.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday’s quiz. In which king’s time did Isaiah receive God’s call as a prophet? (1) Uzziah, (2) Jotham, and (3) Ahaz. The answer was (1) Uzziah. Isaiah received divine revelation during the reigns of four kings of Judah: Uzziah (792-BC), Jotham (750-BC), Ahaz (743-BC), and Hezekiah (729-BC), but it was in the year Uzziah, king of Judah, died (6:1) that Isaiah received his calling as a prophet. Now for today’s Bible quiz. Generally, the book of Isaiah is divided into two volumes, the first half and the second half. (1) Chapter 20, (2) Chapter 30, and (3) Chapter 40. The answer will be given tomorrow. Then, I pray that today will be another good day.