人生100倍の視野【聖書】イザヤ書50章 主は私を助ける










Chapter 50: The Lord Help Me

1. god does not separate and sell out 

 Verse 1 Isaiah delivers the word of God, saying. Where is the letter of separation that says, “I have cast out your mother?” This means that God is not the kind of person who chooses Israel and, if He finds this objectionable, abandons them and unilaterally throws them out. Jeremiah later said, “Because Israel the woman of delivery committed adultery, I gave her a letter of separation and cast her out (Jeremiah 3:8),” and Isaiah is probably saying the same thing. In other words, the problem was on Israel’s side. Israel did something that caused God to cast them out on their own. Therefore, he also says, “Who are my creditors, that I have sold you? If God had to sell Israel out, then who are his creditors, and how can there be such creditors? This prophecy that Isaiah speaks of seems to be referring to the later Babylonian captivity, which happened because of a problem on Israel’s part. People will forsake and turn away from God, just as the first man Adam did, and they will turn their backs on God and cut themselves off.

One will have to pay the consequences. But it is not as if there is no longer any hope of restoration there. For the question is: “Are my hands too short to redeem? Even if God’s judgment does occur and Israel is defeated by the Babylonian captivity, does that mean that God does not have the power to change the situation? God can scourge the sea, dry it up, or even cover the entire sky with darkness, if He so chooses. In other words, God can do anything.

2. the song of the third servant

 Verses 4-9 are called the Song of the Third Servant. Earlier we studied the Song of the First Servant (42:1-9) and the Song of the Second Servant (49:1-6). Later, we will come to the fourth servant’s song (52:13-53:12), but this third servant’s song is a very profound and encouraging song.

When read as a continuation of the flow of the previous three verses, in which God says that nothing is impossible, there is something here that speaks to each and every one of the people who were placed in the terrible situation of the Babylonian captivity.

First, the servant begins to speak. In the midst of such suffering, the servant believes that the Lord will help him and bring about a victorious outcome (v. 6). Even though he is slandered by this and that, he believes that there is a God who believes in his righteousness (v. 9). This servant then calls out to those who are in similar circumstances. He says, “Those who walk in darkness and have no light, trust in the name of the Lord and lean more on your God” (v. 10). If there are times in our lives when we seem to lose hope, we are supposed to connect our hope to God. If we still try to do things in our own strength and not in God’s, the result will be obvious and sad (v. 11). We must keep our eyes on the light of God, not on the light of man. God is truly the light of a dark world. It is precisely when we think there is no hope that we need to turn to the Lord, who is passionate about us and wants to save us. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. From the standpoint of a critical reader of the Bible, from where does the passage called “Second Isaiah” begin? (1) Chapter 40, (2) Chapter 55, and (3) Chapter 56. The answer is from (1) chapter 40. Chapters 40-55 and 56-66 are called Second Isaiah and Third Isaiah, respectively. Some scholars believe that these were not written by Isaiah, but by an unnamed or anonymous prophet of a later generation. So, here is today’s Bible quiz. Which of the following is called the Second Servant Song of Isaiah? (1) 42:1-9, (2) 49:1-6, (3) 50:4-9. So, I wish you a good day today.


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