人生100倍の視野【聖書】イザヤ書51章 神の祝福を信じる










最初に、昨日のクイズです。次の内、イザヤ書の第二のしもべの歌と呼ばれるものはどれでしょうか。①42:1-9、②49:1-6、③50:4-9。答えは②49:1-6でした。イザヤ書には、第一のしもべの歌(42:1-9)、第二のしもべの歌(49:1-6)、第三のしもべの歌(50:4-9 )、第四のしもべの歌(52:13-53:12)があります。では、今日の聖書クイズです。アブラハムに息子のイサクが生まれたのは、アブラハム何歳の時であったでしょうか?①75歳、②86歳、③100歳、答えはまた明日。では今日も良き一日であるように祈ります。

Chapter 51: Trust in God’s Blessings

1. Trust in God

Isaiah’s message is simple. Again and again, he tells us to look to the God of blessings. How Abraham and Sarah were blessed. Think about how the old couple, who had no heirs and simply followed God clumsily, were celebrated. He said, “Acknowledge God, rely on God, and get help from God. But people will not seek God on their own. Their hearts are stubborn. They are always afraid of being criticized by others (v.7), and they may live their lives with a broken heart and a contented mind.

But no matter how strong the power of your tormentors and oppressors may be, God’s power is greater than theirs. God is with you. Sometimes, however, the response is not what you think it is. People want to deal a crushing blow to their adversaries. Often, however, God does not do it that way. Sometimes, while we are suffering, He has a way of weakening our adversaries without their knowledge (v. 8). We may “heap burning coals” (Rom. 12:20) on our adversaries, and the end result may be beyond the end of the world.

God is just, as He says, “My righteousness endures forever, and my salvation is from generation to generation” (v. 8). He will not allow injustice to continue forever. Isaiah speaks of the importance of simply having faith and trusting in God, but people are not so willing to accept Isaiah’s words so easily.

2. don’t be afraid of people

Then Isaiah says, “Awake, awake! Awake, awake (v. 9)” “I, I am the one who comforts you. What are you? That you fear man, who must die, or the Son of man, who is no better than grass?” Verse 13: “What is the matter with you that you fear “as if you were destined for destruction? God has power over nature (v. 15), trust Him. As Jesus told Peter, who feared the storm, if the Lord is with you, there is nothing to fear.

Verse 21, “O ye that are drunken, but not of wine,” one may be drunk with trouble, as if drunk with wine. But throw away that cup already, God says. Jesus once reminded a man who had been ill for 38 years and lying in the pool of Bethesda of his purpose in life, “Do you want to get well? In the same way, God asks you what your purpose in life was. You may be devastated now and no longer be penniless or isolated. But let us remember, following the example of Abraham, the old couple with nothing, who simply stepped forward to the invitation of God’s blessing. It is time to stand up.

Jesus once said to a father who was troubled by his son’s strange illness, “You say, ‘If it can be done, it can be done. He said, “He who believes can do anything” (Mark 9:23). What the father was asked to do was exactly what he said, “I believe. Help me in my unbelief” (v. 24), and to throw himself into the Word of God. God’s judgment is over, Isaiah says. The cross also marks the end of our curse. A fresh start in life does not begin with the hopeless reality in which one is placed, but with the reality that God is speaking to us. Let us move forward, believing in God’s blessing.

<Quiz Corner>

First, yesterday’s quiz. Which of the following is called the second servant song of Isaiah? The answer is (1) 42:1-9, (2) 49:1-6, and (3) 50:4-9. In Isaiah, there is the Song of the First Servant (42:1-9), the Song of the Second Servant (49:1-6), the Song of the Third Servant (50:4-9 ), and the Song of the Fourth Servant (52:13-53:12). Now for today’s Bible quiz. At what age was Abraham when his son Isaac was born? (1) 75 years old, (2) 86 years old, (3) 100 years old, and the answer will be given again tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.


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