人生100倍の視野【聖書】イザヤ書52章 慌てなくてもよい










Chapter 52: No Need to Panic

1. God is indeed present

 Verse 1, “No more shall the uncircumcised and unclean come into your midst. Dust off the dust, rise up, and take your former seat,” God commands us. We are no longer to sit around for any length of time, for no one threatens us anymore. Rather, rise up and take your place. It is a powerful way of saying, “Put on strength,” and “Put on beautiful garments.”

Verse 3, “You were sold for free. The captives were wretched people who had lost the war and were sold into slavery for as little as free, without any price tag. God would take them back for free, without the disgraceful brand of repurchase of slaves.

 God took the suffering of Israel as the contempt of the enemy for Himself (v. 5). God is, and God is love, but what is this misery of Israel? Of course, Israel’s suffering was nothing but God’s judgment because of their sin. But no matter what anyone says, God is love. God is not done venting His wrath. God judged Israel with the purpose of correcting them. Therefore, God stands by those who repent and makes them stand. He will not remain angry forever, nor will He leave Israel to suffer forever. He will surely provide a way of restoration.

2. Stand up!

 It is indeed “good news” that not only is there such a God, but that He also relates to people in love, and that those who share it are also wonderful beings. The apostle Paul quotes this in his letter, speaking of the wonder of communicating the salvation of Jesus (Romans 10:15). Verse 11 is directly addressed to the second exodus, the deliverance from the Babylonian captivity. But in the larger context, it should be said to be a spiritual exodus that also speaks to us, an escape from the suffering we are now trapped in. And notice verse 12. He says, “Do not be in a hurry to leave.” If you don’t have the strength to get up, wait until the strength to get up fills you. The Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your guide.” God tells us to stand up, but it is not a rebuke. God sits with a person until he or she feels like getting up on his or her feet.

 After verse 13 is the fourth servant’s song. It is a continuation of the third servant’s song, and here the meaning of the servant’s suffering is revealed. The servant is then recognized and “amazed” by the nations of the world. This is the so-called prophecy of the crucifixion of Jesus that follows in Chapter 53, and the unraveling of its meaning. Certainly it was something that mankind would see “that which had not yet been told, and hear that which had not yet been heard. But it has become a profound statement of how God is love, expressed in concrete terms. That will be for another day tomorrow. I wish you all a good day.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. At what age was Abraham’s son Isaac born? (1) 75 years old, (2) 86 years old, (3) 100 years old. The answer is (3) 100 years old. Abraham was 75 years old when God called him and he departed from Callan (Genesis 12:1-5), and Ishmael was born when he was 86 (Genesis 16), and Isaac was born when Abraham was 100 and Sarah 90 (Genesis 17:17, 21:5). Now for today’s Bible quiz. Isaiah’s words, “How beautiful are the feet of the bearer of good news on the mountains,” are quoted in what epistle of Paul? (1) Galatians, (2) Romans, (3) Ephesians, and the answer will be given tomorrow. I pray that you have a good day today.


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