人生100倍の視野【聖書】イザヤ書6章 イザヤの召命











Chapter 6: The Call of Isaiah

1. Isaiah’s Calling

Chapter 6 describes the circumstances of how Isaiah came to begin his ministry as a prophet. This should originally have appeared at the beginning of this book.

 Anyway, Isaiah became a prophet in “the year King Uzziah died,” about 740 or 739 BC. That was just the year Uzziah entered the house of the Lord, which was not to be entered except by priests, was judged by God, was stricken with the disease of tzara’at, and died in isolation (2 Kings 15:5). Isaiah must have clearly sensed the reality of God through Uzziah, who disobeyed God’s Word and died under God’s judgment. And to Isaiah, who looked up to God with faith, God gave him a vision. This is just like the Apostle John, who was given a vision by the Lord in the Book of Revelation and received a message from the Lord. Isaiah, like John, is touched by the holy presence of God. He also hears the loud voice of the angel, similar to a roar. It is also similar to the apostle John, who heard “a loud voice like the sound of a trumpet” (Revelation 1:10).

 Thus, when we understand the entire Bible to some extent, we realize that the Old and New Testaments are tied together in many ways. Clearly, the apostle John is speaking to us the message of God, which was and is still the same, based on the Old Testament.

 What is important is probably Isaiah’s confession and experience of the Lord’s holy presence. Isaiah sees himself as nothing more than one of the unclean people, like King Uzziah, to be destroyed in God’s wrath. Isaiah is not humble. In fact, this is an important awareness that all people should have. God sanctified Isaiah with “burning coals. God, in His great compassion, forgave Isaiah’s sins and accepted him, in other words, allowed him to live. This is an experience that can happen to us as well.

2. standing as a witness for the Lord

Then verse 8 says, “Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?” God gave Isaiah a mission. Originally, Isaiah’s life would have ended in God’s destruction. He would have been grateful to have been rescued from that fate. But God told Isaiah to serve Him with his life, that is, to make known to the world your experience of the existence of the living and true God. This is similar to how the apostle Paul was called to be an apostle.

However, the road ahead was difficult. Although Isaiah himself had been told that God existed, he may have lived his life without actually feeling the reality of God’s presence. Through Uzziah’s death, he was made aware of God’s reality once again. But that is a personal experience. How can I make that experience understandable to this person or that person? There must be times when we talk about many things, but we may not get through (vv. 9, 10). And God does not deny Isaiah’s thoughts, saying, “Surely, you are right. But still, Isaiah says, keep on speaking, and even if no one listens, speak your present convictions. Isaiah says, v. 11: “How long, O Lord? Similar words appear in Revelation. In the midst of the difficulties of missionary work, there are words in which missionaries ask God how long they will continue this work (6:10). In Revelation, it was taught “until the time of the martyrs be fulfilled. In Isaiah, it is until the southern kingdom of Judah is destroyed by Babylon (v. 11). What is being said is the same. In other words, as long as there is someone to speak, keep speaking. Thus begins Isaiah’s prophetic activity to tell people that God is indeed alive in this society where the existence of God is still ambiguous. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. Generally, the Book of Isaiah is divided into two books, the first half and the second half. (1) Chapter 20, (2) Chapter 30, and (3) Chapter 40. The answer was (3) chapter 40. Generally speaking, the Book of Isaiah is divided into two books, chapters 1-39 and 40-66, with the first volume dealing with the period before Judah’s captivity and the second volume dealing with events 150 years later. Now for today’s Bible quiz. Prophetic books are generally divided into major and minor prophetic books, but what are the criteria? (1) length of the book, (2) importance of the content of the book, (3) importance of the author, and the answer will be given tomorrow. Then I pray that today will be another good day.


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