Isaiah 8: Fear the Lord and Trust in Him
In chapters 7 and 8, we should not read too much, being pulled by what is written in the commentaries, such as the Immanuel prophecy and the Messiah prophecy, but read them carefully, considering what Isaiah told Ahaz and what it means for the present time.
1. the Immanuel Prophecy
So in chapter 8, Isaiah’s second message tells of the destruction of Damascus and Samaria. Isaiah was commanded to write “For Maher Shalal Hash Baz” on a large board. The typeface was in ordinary letters. That is, in a typeface that anyone could read, but there may have been some special typefaces (Ex. 32:16). The literal translation of the word is “quickly, a portion, quickly, prey” (v. 1). It is a strong image of plunder.
The prophet’s wife was also commanded to use the phrase in the name of the child she bore (v. 3). This was to remind us that the destruction of Damascus, the capital of Aram, and Samaria, the capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, which had been prophesied earlier, would occur soon, before the child could learn the word (7:16). In fact, Damascus in 732 BC and Samaria in 722 BC were invaded and destroyed by the Assyrians, and the momentum of the invasion extended to the southern kingdom of Judah. However, God did not allow Assyria to strike the final blow against the southern kingdom of Judah. Assyria, the invading nation that was gaining momentum, was also in God’s chains. Jerusalem, the city of God, is Immanuel, or “God is with us” (v. 8). He tells Israel that God will protect them even though the nations surrounding them have played tricks on them and betrayed them. He tells them that there is hope in God (v. 10). He says that neither Aram nor the Northern Kingdom of Israel should be feared, but that “the Lord is your fear and the Lord is your trembling” (v. 12).
2. the testimony of Isaiah’s family
However, this prophetic word of Isaiah was not accepted by Ahaz, king of the southern kingdom of Judah, or the nation (v. 14). Therefore, in verse 16, God tells them to “seal up” the words of the prophecy, that is, give them to the disciples and preserve them for the future. 17 and 18 should be called a religious declaration of the Isaiah family, like Joshua, the leader of ancient Israel, who said, “I and my house shall serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15). It is true that the Lord said, “I and the Lord will serve the LORD. Indeed, as it says, “I and the children whom the Lord has given me,” when the three names of father and son are put together, the meaning is that “soon there will be an invasion of Assyria because of Judah’s disbelief (Maher Shalal Hash Baz),” but “those who are left by the destruction will return to God (She’ar Yashub).” Because “the Lord is salvation (Isaiah).” and the family as a whole was a testimony of God’s will.
From verse 19 onward, chapter 9:1 is a break in the prose style of the Hebrew Bible: in 734 BC Assyria occupied northern Israel, then moved south to Galilee and Gilead (9:1). Indeed, it was a move that brought terror even to the southern kingdom of Judah. Even in the face of this threat, the nation of Israel does not turn to the Word of God, but, like King Saul of old (1 Samuel 28:8), seeks the solution of a spirit medium (v. 19). But it is God Himself that they should seek (v. 20). What was required of them was the courage to stand on God’s Word and live by it. Faith is an act that requires courage. I pray that you have a good day today.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday’s quiz. How many books of the Great Prophecy are there in total? (1) Four. 2) Five. 3) Twelve. (3) 12 books. The answer is (2) 5. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel. Lamentations, although short in number of pages, is placed in the category of Great Prophecy as an adjunct to Jeremiah. Now for today’s Bible quiz. If the following prophets were to be divided by region of activity, which prophet would enter the Northern Kingdom of Israel? (1) Hosea, (2) Isaiah, (3) Micah, and the answer will be given tomorrow. I pray that you have a good day today.