Chapter 10: The Glory of the Lord’s Departure from the Temple (10:1-22)
After the cause of the Lord’s judgment is told (chapter 8), the Lord’s judgment is executed (chapter 9), and the Lord leaves Jerusalem. This is where we are reminded of the preciousness of the Lord’s presence.
1. cherubim, the presence of the Lord
The cherubim are angelic beings, and the New Revised Version has previously made a distinction between the plural cherubim and the singular cherubs; the 2017 translation seems to unify the two into a plural form. Certainly, this is a possible correction from Japanese, which is not in the habit of strictly distinguishing between singular and plural (vv. 7, 14).
At any rate, the winged cherubim, creatures with four faces (cherubim, man, lion, and eagle), hands, and feet, are depicted elsewhere in the Old Testament as attendants and guardians of the sanctuary. In Genesis, for example, they are depicted as guardians of the path to the tree of life in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:24); in Exodus, as guardians of the Ark of the Covenant placed in the Most Holy Place (Ex. 25:18-20); and in Psalms, as supporters of the throne of the Lord (Ps. 18:10). In these ten chapters, it is the being that supports and moves the throne of God.
Ezekiel recalls having once seen this creature on the banks of the river Kebar, but what is remarkable about this chapter is the way Ezekiel gazes at it. In the previous chapter, we were told that a man clad in a robe of rags went out to distinguish what was worthy of God’s salvation, and there was no one there. There is no longer anyone worthy of God’s salvation, only to be destroyed, and here, in the midst of this image of humanity coming to nothing, God’s presence comes into focus. God exists without humanity. It is a mystery, a fact, that God exists alone, eternally and timelessly, even if there is no one to worship Him. In other words, humanity exists because of God. But God exists without humanity. This reminds us that no matter how capable human beings are, they are still only creatures, and we must humbly accept this reality.
2. the Lord’s Glory Departs
Two more events are also noteworthy. The first is the reappearance of the man clothed in flaxen garments, who, as commanded by the Lord, begins to execute judgment. He receives the coals from the cherubim and scatters them over the city of Jerusalem. Specifically, it speaks symbolically of Jerusalem, which was burned and turned into a sea of fire by the Babylonian army in 586 BC (2 Kings 25:9). So the Babylonian invasion occurred as a divine judgment. Moreover, if the fire is intended as an act of sanctification, it is not just a plague, but an attempt to remove the sins of the people and sanctify the city (Isaiah 6:6-7; Malachi 3:2-3).
Also in verse 18, Ezekiel then sees the glory of the Lord about to be taken away from Jerusalem. Already in 9:3, Ezekiel witnesses that the glory of the Lord is rising from the cherubim and heading toward the threshold of the temple. Here we see the cherubim leaving the threshold of the temple first, the glory of the Lord following (v. 18), and then leaving the earth. The glory of the Lord has been lost from the temple. At last the temple, full of idols and defiled, is no longer the dwelling place of the Lord.
Nothing could be more terrible than the Lord’s departure. David prayed, “Do not cast me down from your presence, and do not take away your holy Spirit from me” (Ps. 51:11), but the fear of being abandoned by God is real. When we realize, to our horror, that we are only like that