人生100倍の視野【聖書】エゼキエル書11章 残される者の意味(11:1-13)













Chapter 11 The Meaning of Those Who Are Left Behind (11:1-13)

1. the parable of the pots and pans (vv. 1-12)

 In this chapter 11, Ezekiel, accompanied by the Spirit of the Lord, is at the eastern gate facing the east of the Temple of the Lord. There, Ezekiel sees 25 people. Already in chapter 8, we read that there were “all 25 people,” but apparently they are a different group of people. The reason is that the earlier people were priests and Levites, but here, from what they say, they seem to be political leaders. They said. “‘You need not build a house for the time being. This city is a pot, and we are its meat.'” (v.3) They probably meant that if Jerusalem was a “pot,” they were the “meat” in it, and that whatever enemies might attack them, they would be safe as long as they were inside an iron “fireproof pot. In other words, Jerusalem is an unsinkable aircraft carrier.

However, God says that this is not the case and that we should not make the mistake of thinking so. If we are to use a parable, he says, Jerusalem is not a “fireproof pot” but a “cooking pot. God takes up this nonsense later in chapter 24 and makes his thoughts even clearer: let’s read a little from verse 3 of chapter 24. Put the pot on the fire. . increase the wood, kindle the fire, boil the meat well, mix the spices, scorch the bones,” and “empty the pot and put it on the coals, and make its copper hot, so that the filth in it may melt and rust no more” (24:3-11). God will thoroughly judge Jerusalem. The Babylonian attack on Jerusalem was God’s will to sanctify Jerusalem.

 Verse 13 says that while Ezekiel was prophesying this, Berathea, the son of Benaiah, died. A sudden event, perhaps Berathea took an attitude of mockery toward Ezekiel. The content of the story suggests that God judged Berathea on the spot. God’s word is not a threat or a bluff, but the truth. Knowing the certainty of God’s word, Ezekiel was compelled to cry out in fear. If so, who will live or be left before the wrath of God (v. 13)?

2. becoming their God

So the second half of this chapter answers this question by taking up another common saying among the people of that time.

At that time, many Israelites were taken captive by Babylon. The people who were left in Jerusalem there considered those who were taken away as captives as those who had received God’s curse and judgment in earnest, and as a result had lost their God-given possession of the land. He mocked them, saying that since they were separated from the Lord, they should remain “far from the Lord,” and that the land belonged to us, the very “ones left behind” (v. 15).

But God takes up the mockery and says, no, on the contrary, those who have been taken away are the ones who are left. Even though they were taken far away from Jerusalem, they were not taken far away from the Lord either. They were with God in the land from which they were taken (v. 16). And that He will eventually call them back and they will inherit the land of Israel (v. 17).

The real issue is not whether they escaped the ravages of war or not, whether they were taken from Jerusalem or remained there. The phrase “those who were left behind” is used in an entirely spiritual sense, not as a matter of location. In other words, it is referring to those who are spiritually connected to God and alive, no matter when or where they are.

Therefore, do not think that you are under God’s curse or that you are missing out on God’s blessing because of your immediate misfortune or mishap. Everyone has equal chances for happiness and misfortune in life. Therefore, even if your life is likened to the Babylonian captivity and you are mocked by people, it is not the end of your life. If you are firmly connected to the God who gives righteousness and life, then you are the one who is left, and you will be victorious in the end. The question is whether or not you have been given a soft “heart of flesh,” not a hard “heart of stone,” and whether or not you are living in response to God (v. 19). No matter what happens in life, we should not be discouraged, but walk with our hearts turned to God, singing of His grace. I pray that you have a good day today.

<Quiz Corner  

First, yesterday’s quiz. How many cubits long were the wings of the cherubim placed on the back wall of the Holy of Holies in Solomon’s Temple? (1) 10 cubits, (2) 20 cubits, and (3) 30 cubits. The answer was (2) 20 cubits. Each cherubim’s wing was 5 cubits (about 2.23 meters), and the length of the two cherubim spreading their wings side by side was 20 cubits (about 8.9 meters). Now for today’s Bible quiz. The green columnar stone is also used in the 12 jewels adorning the breastplate of the high priest, which are on what tier? (1) the first tier, (2) the second tier, (3) the third tier, and (4) the fourth tier. The answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.


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