人生100倍の視野【聖書】エゼキエル書17章 二羽の鷲のたとえ(17:1-24)











最初に、昨日のクイズです。アッシリアの首都は、次のどれでしょうか?①バビロン、②ニネベ、③ダマスコ。答えは、②ニネベでした。では今日の聖書クイズです。ユダ南王国末期の王、エホヤキンは、エレミヤ書では何と呼ばれているでしょうか?①エコニヤ、②エコヌヤ、③エホヤキム。答えはまた明日。では今日も良き一日となるように祈ります。Chapter 17 The Parable of the Two Eagles (17:1-24)

1. the riddle of the two eagles

Ezekiel presents a divine riddle to the Israelites. There are two great eagles. First, “a great eagle of richly colored feathers” flies in and plucks the tips of the young branches of the cedar tree and carries them away. Then, instead, it carries the seeds of a grapevine and plants them to produce an abundant harvest. Another “eagle” will also appear. God sees this and declares that the vine will wither. What does this mean?

2. The solution of the riddle

The solution begins in verse 11. The “great eagle of many colors and rich feathers” is Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. He invaded Jerusalem during the second captivity in 597 BC (vv. 3-4) and took King Jehoiachin, who ascended the throne at the age of 18, or “the tip of a young branch of a cedar tree,” and other leaders and engineers of the nation as captives and transferred them to Babylon, “a place of commerce, a merchant city” (v. 4). Nebuchadnezzar then set up a puppet government in Jerusalem, a “fertile land” (2 Kings 24:10-17), with Zedekiah, the uncle of Jehoiachin, as king, “the seed of the land. He prospered in Jerusalem, but it was a “lowly and infested vine” (v. 6), an entity of limited power and influence. He was always “turned toward the eagle and rooted under the eagle” (v. 6), in other words, a government dependent on Babylon.

But this Zedekiah turned his heart to another “eagle with rich feathers,” the king of Egypt, Pharaoh, who in the summer of 588 BC sent a messenger to Psametikos II of Egypt to escape Babylonian rule. It was indeed likened to a vine that was growing roots and turning branches toward Egypt. Indeed, the Egyptian army sent reinforcements, and Babylon temporarily lifted the siege of Jerusalem that had begun in January of that year (2 Kings 25:1), but soon returned and launched an onslaught on Jerusalem in January 587 BC, causing it to fall (verse 17).

It happened just as God had pronounced. God had pronounced that the effort to deepen relations with Egypt and to remain independent while enjoying the favor of Babylon, the ruling power, would be in vain. God had done this (v. 9), and given the date of 8:1 (590 BC) and the date of 20:1 (11 months later), this prophecy was probably spoken around 590 BC, or before the fall of Jerusalem. God had already told them of his plan and will beforehand.

3. Another Parable 

 Starting from verse 22, another riddle or parable is told. God took “the tender young tips of the cedars of the high cedars” and planted them on the high mountains of Israel, and they became magnificent cedar trees. This clearly speaks of what God is about to do in contrast to what Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, did in the first half of this chapter. It speaks directly of Israel’s deliverance from the Babylonian captivity. But there is actually something more than that implied. The cedar will be a magnificent tree in which “every kind of bird will dwell, and in the shade of its branches (v. 23). In other words, the dominion symbolized by this tree does not speak of blessings only for the Israelites. Moreover, God says, verse 24: “Know that I, the Lord, will make the high tree low and the low tree high; I will cause the living tree to wither and the dead tree to sprout.” What Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, king of a nation, did was to let a nation weaker than himself flourish under his protection and rule. But what God is going to do is to go beyond the struggle for power on earth and establish one rule on this earth and gather all peoples to it.

 This year, we have been disturbed by various ethnic conflicts in Ukraine, Israel, Myanmar, and Afghanistan. Many of us may have been disappointed to see the conflicts between people claiming rights over each other. However, a country is a group of people. In other words, it is the nature of the warring hearts in the minds of people that should really be the issue. People must first recognize the contentious nature in their own hearts and repent. Then, he will crown God’s salvation so that he may have a peaceful heart. In other words, it is of utmost importance to partake of the grace of the cross of Jesus. It is not about believing in Christianity, but about seeking God’s work to make the mind of Christ our mind. I hope that the new year will be a year in which we move one step closer to peace with a heart of reverence. So, I wish you a good day.

<Quiz Corner     

First, yesterday’s quiz. Which of the following was the capital of Assyria? (1) Babylon, (2) Nineveh, (3) Damascus. The answer was (2) Nineveh. Now, here is today’s Bible quiz. What is Jehoiachin, king of the late Southern Kingdom of Judah, called in the book of Jeremiah? (1) Econoniah, (2) Economiah, (3) Jehoiakim. The answer will be given tomorrow. Now, I wish you a good day.


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