人生100倍の視野【聖書】エゼキエル書22章 破れ口に立つ(22:1-31) 













Chapter 22 Standing at the Breach (22:1-31) 

1. the accusation of Jerusalem’s sin

 Ezekiel repeats the same phrase “the following word of the Lord came to me” (vv. 1, 17, 23), conveying three messages. It explains why God’s judgments described in the previous chapter, chapter 21, were rendered. In verse 2, God commands Ezekiel to “proclaim every abominable deed” (v. 2), specifically describing Israel’s sin against God.

For one it is repeated that “blood was shed. It is probably used more in a symbolic sense than in the actual killing of human life with a deadly weapon. That is, to speak evil of others, to bring them into disrepute, to say threatening things, to oppress their hearts, to deprive them of hope, to mistreat them, to treat them like cats and dogs, and to despise them, is no different from killing them (v. 12). And if you make idols, and do not sanctify God, and do not cherish the rest that God has given you, this too is the same as denying God and killing (v. 8). Earlier, Ezekiel spoke of the Sabbath as a “sign” (20:12), but there was probably no sign of it at the time.

On a previous trip to Israel, I arrived in Jerusalem just before the Sabbath began. We had lunch on a main street near the Old City, and as we started walking outside, lo and behold, the stores began to close their shutters with a flurry of activity. And by 3:00 p.m., there were no dogs or cats, let alone people, on the street, just the wind blowing through the streets. On the contrary, many people would gather in the synagogue of the Jewish people, enjoying the evening meal with their families and the day of rest that the Lord had given them. It was a scene that made me think, “Well, this is their “sign.

However, it should be a sign for Christians as well. Christians are also keepers of rest, a people who worship God on Sunday. Of course, it is not the day, but the Sabbath that is to be stubbornly observed. We should put up a sign that says, “Closed today for the Sabbath,” close the shutters of our stores, go out to church, and make it our greatest joy to savor God’s rest. That is the sign of the Christian church and mission itself.

Verse 16 is where the translation has been heavily revised in the third edition and in 2017. That is, it is the part of the Hebrew Bible that has been changed from the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible (Septuagint) to the literal translation of the Hebrew Bible. The context may be read as conveying judgment, or it may be read as hinting at restoration, but the context may be read as conveying judgment.

2. searching for God

At any rate, it is pointed out that Israel, having shed the blood of God and man, became utterly useless in the eyes of God. In ancient times, silver was smelted by melting and oxidizing an ore of lead called tetrahedrite. God likens the people in Jerusalem to that lead ore. The important point is that God’s judgment was not just to vent His wrath, but to sanctify and refine. But what was gathered and melted down was probably bronze, iron, lead, tin, and gold dregs, junk metal that could not be silver at all (vv. 17-22).

So verse 23, the third message, conveys the great responsibility of the prophets and priests, the religious leaders, in such a situation. The prophets were beholden to the leaders and did not speak the Word of God correctly for their time. They denied the activities of Isaiah and Jeremiah and trampled on the Word of God that was supposed to give light to the world. As a result, both the king and the people were turned around, resulting in the situation described in the first and second messages (v. 25). 

The priests, too, did not teach the distinction between right and wrong by the law, did not value the Sabbath, and let the “signs” of God’s people be lost (v. 26). God’s concern is not merely the goodness or badness of people, but the attitude of their leaders. In these times of crisis, God says that He has erected a wall as a shield against His wrath, and that He has sought but found no one to stand at the breaking point (v. 30). the message of judgment against religious leaders in chapter 13 is recalled. We are reminded of the message of judgment on the religious leaders of chapter 13: those who are all talk, those who are unwilling to serve in the shadows, those who seek to put on a religious front. We have found no one like Abraham, who once approached God, spoke, and interceded fervently for the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Those who cherish prayer meetings centering on intercessory prayer are being looked for by God. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner  

First, yesterday’s quiz. Which prophet prophesied the destruction of Rabbah, a city of the Ammonites? (1) Micah, (2) Amos, and (3) Hosea. The answer was (2) Amos. (Amos 1:14). Incidentally, besides Ezekiel, Jeremiah also prophesied the destruction of Rabbah (Jeremiah 49:2-4). Now for today’s Bible quiz. Which of the following instruments of the tabernacle or temple were made of silver? (1) the washing table, (2) the sea with the bull’s base, and (3) the candlestick. See you tomorrow for the answer. Well, I wish you a good day today.


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