Chapter 28: The Ruin of the King of Turo (28:1-19)
1. the temptation to become like God
Since chapter 26, there has been a series of prophecies against the nation of Turo. In this chapter 28, the monarch of Turo, Ethbaal II, is accused of making himself a god. It is the very sin of pride, he says. However, the sin of making oneself a god should be said to be the most fundamental sin common to all men.
In Genesis 3 of the Old Testament, the episode of the sin of the first man, Adam and Eve, is described. They were seduced by Satan to eat the fruit of the tree forbidden by God. It is noteworthy that Satan’s words of temptation say, “If you eat of it, you will be like God” (Genesis 3:5). To be free from everything, to be on top of everything, is nothing less than the ambition to be like God. Such ambition and pride lead to their judgment by God and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden; verses 11-19 trace the episode. The monarch of Turo, Adam, and all men are subject to the same temptation to sin.
2. the origin of the devil, Satan
There is, however, another interpretation of this passage that holds that it speaks of the origin of Satan. Many people may wonder if there really is such a thing as the devil or Satan. However, the Bible speaks of them as spiritually real. It just doesn’t say much about where they come from. That is because the Bible is written primarily to speak of God. But it is not entirely silent, and suggestively, it is here that the origins of the devil and Satan are mentioned. Though it seems to speak of “the king of Turo” (v. 12), this is to be understood figuratively, for the guardian cherubim, or angels positioned to be closest to God (v. 14, translation corrected in the Shinkai-yaku 2017), were “cast out from the mountain of God” because they fell into pride and sinned. The origin of the Devil and Satan is stated as being “cast out from the mountain of God” because of their pride and sin.
Incidentally, Isaiah 14:12-15 is said to speak of the same thing, and while it seems to speak directly of the king of Babylon, it too, if understood metaphorically, is said that the devil or Satan is “Lucifer, son of the dawn” (Isaiah 14:12), “the shining one” or “the light-bearer, So you say that they were initially created as good, but then fell and became evil, revealing their origins. I don’t think it is possible to understand what the Bible doesn’t say just so much, but it is enough to get the idea out of the way.
What is rather important is that both human beings and Satan may be little difference. Like the demonic nature of their hearts, the cause of the Fall, whether it is man or Satan, is that they begin to put themselves in God’s position. It is not a matter of being rich and prosperous. The problem is that as soon as we receive God’s special blessings and walk “among stones of fire,” that is, as soon as we are elevated to a being who walks among beautiful and fiery jewels, as verse 13 says, we begin to think of ourselves as if we were gods, and we begin to treat people as if they were not people, that is, we fall into the foolishness of climbing up to the throne of God with our feet in the dirt. The problem is that we fall into it. Every human being who does not recognize God will fall into such a mistake. But we must not forget that “you are a man, not a god” (vv. 2, 9), and that man is created by God and given life and everything else to live.
3. pronouncement to Sidon, restoration of Israel
Verses 20-23 are a prophecy of judgment against Sidon, the northern neighbor of Turo. Note that after the severe judgment against Turo and Sidon is spoken of, the restoration of Israel is contrasted with its fate (vv. 24-26).
The prophecy of Israel’s restoration begins in earnest in chapter 33, and the fact that Israel alone will be restored from captivity and gathered back to Jerusalem, in distinction from the peoples of other nations who will be buried forever, shows the truthfulness of God’s promise to treat His saints specially (Ps. 4:3). The mystery is that God’s saints are not the same as those who are in the presence of God. Curiously, God says, “A promise is a promise” to unfaithful Israel, who became as proud as Tullo before Him and behaved in a manner equal to Satan. He says (v. 25) that such a response shows God’s holiness. What does this mean? The Hebrew word “holy” has the meaning of separation. In other words, to be holy means to be distinguished. The very fact that God, unlike man, keeps His promises for whatever reason, reveals that man and God are distinct and different. Remembering that “you are a man, not a god,” let us live humbly in the fear of a holy God. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday’s quiz. In Joshua’s time, to which tribe was the land of Turo assigned? (1) The tribe of Asher, (2) the tribe of Benjamin, and (3) the tribe of Dan. The answer is (1) the tribe of Asher (Joshua 19:29, 2 Samuel 24:7). In the Bible, are the devil and Satan the same thing, 〇 or ×? I will give you the answer tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.