人生100倍の視野【聖書】エゼキエル書33章 エルサレム陥落の報とエゼキエルの預言の再開(33:1-33)














Chapter 33: The News of the Fall of Jerusalem and the Resumption of Ezekiel’s Prophecy (33:1-33)

1. standing as a watchman

So far, the book of Ezekiel has spoken of (1) the calling of the prophet Ezekiel (chapters 1-3), (2) the sins of Israel and God’s judgment (chapters 4-24), and (3) the sins of the surrounding nations and God’s judgment (chapters 25-32). Taken broadly, that is the main message of judgment. However, the second half of the chapter, beginning today (chapters 33-48), focuses on the message of Israel’s restoration. In other words, this chapter, chapter 33, is the turning point in Ezekiel’s prophetic activity.

There, Ezekiel is first confirmed in his mission as a prophet who was established as a watchman. Then he enters into a new prophetic activity (vv. 1-9). A prophet is held accountable if he fails to do so when he should be warning. But as long as he fulfills his mission, he will save his life even if no one listens to him.

In this sense, we need to remember that Christians also have a prophetic mission. Jesus commanded his disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel. These are words that are directed to us today. We must be wise in how we speak the gospel, but it is our responsibility as Christians to speak what we need to speak when we need to speak it. If we are unfaithful in this regard, we will soon be held accountable before God, as Jesus said in the parable of the minas (Luke 19:24). The question, then, is what to speak.

2. what the watchman should say

First, the watchman communicated God’s thoughts on the religious questions that the people of that time had. In verse 10, he said to those who had too deep a sense of guilt, “I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but instead, I rejoice that the wicked will turn from their ways and live. God is not a cruel judge. He is a loving God. We must first communicate God’s love. In general, if a person sins, his/her sin will not be forgotten, and he/she will be pointed at for the rest of his life. Human beings will thoroughly torment a person who is in such a miserable situation. But God says, “Don’t let the meanness of people get the better of you. Rather, He says that if you turn away from the ways of evil and walk according to the law of life, you will not live a cursed life forever; God is love.

 Second, in verse 17, to those who say they cannot believe in a God who says such things, God tells them that His word is sure. God does not speak twice. God is not a two-faced man. He is true and faithful.

 A Christian is someone who answers people’s religious questions. He does not tell stories about how happy or successful he is because he believes in God. Above all, it is to convey His word of grace, His true word, to those who are almost crushed by the burden of sin and are seeking salvation.

3. the news of the fall of Jerusalem

Now Ezekiel received the news of the fall of Jerusalem. The “fifth day of the tenth month of the twelfth year” is January 585 BC, a year and a half after the fall of Jerusalem (the seventh day of the fifth month of the eleventh year, 2 Kings 25:8). Ezekiel’s prophetic activity resumed with his call as a watchman (24:25-27).

First, Ezekiel warns those left behind in Judah instead of being taken captive (v. 24). They saw the reality of Jerusalem’s destruction, but they did not repent (vv. 23-29). Rather, they thought that it was the fault of those who had been taken away from Jerusalem as captives that Jerusalem had come to this state of affairs. But this is not so. Those who were not taken captive were also called to repentance, and a warning is issued to the captives who were taken to Babylon (v. 30). After the fall of Jerusalem, they began to pay attention to what Ezekiel was saying (v. 31). But this was not based on deep repentance, but on mere curiosity. They were just curious, because what Ezekiel told them seemed to be true. But the question is not whether the prophecy came true or not. The fulfillment of prophecy is a sign of God’s presence. It is a testimony that there is a God who does what is right in the world. Let us acknowledge God, listen to His Word, and live our lives with faith. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner  

First, yesterday’s quiz. Which of the following is the name of the month before the captivity? (1) Abib, (2) Nisan, (3) Tammuz. The answer was (1) Abib. For example, the first month of the Jewish calendar (March-April in the solar calendar) was called Abib according to the ancient Canaanite calendar, but after the return of the captives, it was called Nisan in the Babylonian calendar. Tammuz, also after the return of the captives, corresponds to the fourth month (June-July). Now for today’s Bible quiz. Which of the following chapters in Ezekiel’s prophecy of judgment against the nations speaks specifically of Egypt? (1) Chapter 25, (2) Chapters 26-28, (3) Chapters 29-32, and the answer will be given tomorrow. Now, I wish you a good day today.


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