人生100倍の視野【聖書】エゼキエル書37章 枯骨の幻











Chapter 37: The Phantom of the Withered Bone

1. the vision of the withered bones

 Ten years had already passed since Ezekiel and his men were taken captive in Babylon. The people had begun to get used to life in captivity, and it had become their daily routine. However, they had not forgotten about their return to their homeland, Jerusalem. They would have longed to return to their homeland even after 10 years had passed. But then the sad news of the destruction of Jerusalem arrived. Their homeland, Jerusalem, had been attacked and destroyed by Babylon and turned into a graveyard. The hope of returning to Jerusalem was dashed.

What is written in chapter 37 gives them hope. It conveys a vision of restoration by the power of God. And it is not spoken in words, but in pictorial images. Ezekiel’s vision of Jerusalem was not of a city that had just been destroyed, but of a city that had been weathered away over the years since its destruction. It was a city that had been forgotten by its people, with no hope of recovery in sight. Let us look at the specific image of the city. First of all, Jerusalem was surrounded on three sides by a valley, but the valley was now filled with human bones. It was a plain Jerusalem with no trace of the valley. But more important than the terrain in Ezekiel’s prophecy is the episode. It is the story of what happened to the “bones” that filled the valley. As Ezekiel opens his mouth, he says that the withered bones became sinewy, flesh arose, skin covered them, and then, as he prophesies, “breath” entered them and made them alive.

The answer to God’s question, “Son of man, can these bones come to life?” (v. 3), the answer to God’s question was “yes. In other words, it gave hope for the restoration of Israel to the Jews, who were forced to live in captivity with the thought that they had become living corpses and withered bones without hope, the later readers (vv. 11-14). Not only that, Jesus later quoted this passage to answer Nicodemus’ question (John 3:8). Jesus addresses the question of how the experience of man’s being born again in the world could take place, and he responds to this episode in chapter 37 by saying that there is a wonder from the Spirit of God.

The breath of God that blew on the withered bones is the Hebrew word ruach. The word Jesus used for “wind” is pneuma in Greek, but the Hebrew translation of the New Testament translates this word as ruach. In other words, the miracle of man’s new birth is by the breath of God. We are born biologically into this world with the breath of God, but at some point in our lives, we can receive the grace to be born again with the breath of God and become spiritually born again.

2. the vision of the two staffs

 Beginning in verse 15, we read of the vision of the two sticks. This clearly symbolizes the two kingdoms, the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah (verse 16). It says that in the future Israel will be restored as one nation with the Messiah as king, without division between the north and south (v. 22). Certainly, this prophecy would have given the Jews of that time a vision of the restoration of Israel. However, Israel then faced an even more difficult problem. The remaining people married Gentiles and came to be called Samaritans, and new discrimination arose, making national unity even more complicated.

This prophecy is therefore to be understood apocalyptically. Indeed, the apostle John, quoting the words of the high priest Caiaphas, says that Jesus, the Messiah, will accomplish two things (John 11:49-52). As the Messiah, he will bring new spiritual life to men and a new order to the hostile, even antagonistic, divisions of mankind. The apostle Paul says that reconciliation will be brought to Jews and Gentiles, that all peoples will be made one, which is the inner meaning of Christianity (Ephesians 2:11-22). In this chapter, Ezekiel speaks pictorially of two extremely important themes of the New Testament: spiritual renewal and reconciliation. Moreover, it is spoken of as an eternal covenant. In other words, God, who is faithful, promises to keep it forever. Herein lies the sure hope of those who believe in the Lord. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner     

First, yesterday’s quiz. Which of the following books records the efforts of the Israelites to rebuild after the Babylonian captivity? (1) Nehemiah, (2) Esther, and (3) Daniel. The answer was (1) Nehemiah. Now for today’s Bible quiz. The meaning of the Hebrew word shalom, commonly translated as peace, is broad and includes peace, prosperity, health, and reconciliation. 〇 or ×? See you tomorrow for the answer. Well, I wish you a good day today.


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