続いて外庭から内庭を隔てる壁があり、そこにある門も、南(28節)、東(32節)、北(35節)と三つあり、その通路の両側にもそれぞれ三つの控室がある、同じような構造となっています(28節)。そして、内庭で行われる犠牲の準備をする部屋とその道具の説明が続きます(38-43節)。そこからさらにエゼキエルは、内庭にある祭司たちの部屋に連れて行かれます(44-46節)。その部屋は北向きと南向きのものがあって、それぞれの仕事の内容によって区別されていました 。内庭の大きさは、「百キュビトの正方形」(47節)、神殿本堂の前には、祭壇があります。そこに上る階段は、ギリシア語訳の七十人訳聖書では10段とされています。本堂が高い位置にあるということでしょう。
Chapter 40: The Vision of the Temple
1. the vision of the temple in the new city
Ezekiel’s prophecy finally reaches its climax. The sanctuary, once lost in judgment, is promised to be restored according to the covenant of the Lord (chapters 32 and following), Gog and Magog, the hostile forces that attempted to prevent this, are judged (chapters 38-39), and the relationship between the Lord and his people is shown to be eternal and unshakeable. We also spoke of the eternal victory, which should be understood either eschatologically or symbolically in terms of its consequences.
Beginning in chapter 40, we see a vision of the temple in the new city prepared for His people. In January of 573 BC, “at the beginning of the 25th year of the captivity,” Ezekiel says he was led by the Holy Spirit of God to a very high mountain top. There Ezekiel converses with a man holding a string and a measuring rod.
Verse 5, “the length of an ordinary one cubit plus one hand width,” is commonly referred to as the unit of a long cubit, about 52 centimeters, and a measuring rod of six cubits is 312 centimeters, or about three meters. If you measure the thickness of the temple wall with that measuring rod, it is said to be one rod, or about 3 meters, and the height is the same. There is a gate and a passage through that thick wall to the outer garden, and on each side of that passage are three antechambers (v. 10) and an entrance hall (v. 16). I think you just need to get an approximate idea of this, but there is a person who has reproduced this in a 3D animation and uploaded it on YouTube (https://bit.ly/3j3awTE). It is in English, but I see what you mean. Note that there are two other gates on the wall around the outside of the temple, one facing north (verse 20) and the other facing south (verse 24).
Then there is the wall separating the inner court from the outer court, and the gates there are similarly structured, with three gates on each side of the passageway: south (v. 28), east (v. 32), and north (v. 35), with three antechambers on each side (v. 28). This is followed by a description of the rooms in which the sacrifices to be performed in the inner court are prepared and their utensils (vv. 38-43). From there, Ezekiel is taken further to the priests’ room in the inner court (vv. 44-46). The rooms were divided into two, one facing north and the other facing south, according to the nature of their work. The inner court is “a hundred cubits square” (v. 47), and in front of the main temple building is the altar. The steps leading up to it are described as ten steps in the Greek translation of the Septuagint. This would mean that the main temple building is on a higher level.
3. the meaning of the rebuilding of the temple
The question is whether this is to be interpreted literally or symbolically. If it is literal, then Ezekiel was given God’s blueprint for the new Jerusalem Temple after the captivity. That possibility is not impossible. However, the fact that we are told at the beginning of chapter 40 that it had already been built on a very high mountain in itself makes us wonder whether we should interpret it literally or not. Then, if we interpret it symbolically, depicting a scene of the place where mankind will gather at the coming apocalypse, it would be a “nice! would end up being a “good one” for the people then and for us now. In fact, in the vision of the new heaven and new earth in Revelation 21:10-15, the angel with the golden measuring rod appears, but the temple is not mentioned there. The Lord and the Lamb are the temple of the city itself, and there will be no temple in the coming Kingdom of God.
This means that our minds must turn to God Himself, who is the one who is talking about this kind of big-bullet plan. In other words, we are reminded that God, who has thought things over, formulated plans, and thought about things beyond our thoughts, is with us, and that in itself is a great encouragement. In fact, the temple is for the worship of God. Worship is a sign for us that testifies of God’s presence (20:12). It is our intention, I believe, to be shown this kind of vision and to be inspired to restore worship first, to cherish worship. Worship is wonderful because of the presence of God. It is not because someone preaches a sermon that makes your heart burn, or because you are filled with a certain praise. Worship that focuses on God Himself should be cherished. I pray that you have a good day today.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday’s quiz. Bashan was the territory of Og, king of the Emorites, but when it became Israel’s territory, it became the territory of which tribe? (1) The tribe of Dan, (2) the tribe of Simeon, and (3) the tribe of Manasseh. The answer was (3) the tribe of Manasseh. Now for today’s Bible quiz. The unit of measure, the cubit, is the length from where to where? (1) the length of the width of the hand, (2) the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow, (3) the length with both hands outstretched, and the answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.