本堂は、玄関、聖所、至聖所の三つの部分から構成されています(1-5節) 。続いて神殿の周囲にある脇間が説明されます(6-14節)。三階建てになっていて、各階に30の部屋があります。脇間の入り口は、それぞれ北向きと南向きになっています。これらは、神殿器具や備品、神殿に仕える者に支払われる十分の一献金とささげ物を収納するスペースだったのでしょう。西側の聖域には、70×90キュビトの別の建物があります。これも収納スペースです。全部で180室、霊的に回復される新しいイスラエルがいかに豊かな国になるかを象徴しています。大雑把に、神殿本体の構造を述べた後、その外装や内装の様子が語られます。本堂の入口にも内側にも、また聖所と至聖所の扉にも「ケルビムと、なつめ椰子の木」(18節)の彫刻が施されている、と。
Chapter 41 Sanctuary
1. the structure of the temple itself
The previous vision described the structure of the temple precincts, or the garden surrounding the temple. Finally, Ezekiel goes deeper into the temple, entering the main body of the temple, and is guided through it (v. 1). Here is another easy-to-understand, 3D animation (➡ https://bit.ly/3lJJGBK). This animation will give you a better understanding of what is written. You have already climbed up 7 steps to enter the outer garden, and 8 more steps to enter the inner garden. From there, you have to go up another 10 steps. The structure of the temple itself, which is a step-by-step progression up these steps, is designed to prepare the mind to stand before God in heaven.
The main temple consists of three parts: the entrance, the sanctuary, and the Most Holy Place (vv. 1-5). The side rooms surrounding the temple are then described (vv. 6-14). It has three floors, with 30 rooms on each floor. The entrances to the side rooms face north and south, respectively. These were probably spaces for the storage of temple equipment and supplies, as well as the tithe and offerings paid to those who served in the temple. On the west side of the sanctuary is another building, 70 x 90 cubits. This is also a storage space. In all, there are 180 rooms, symbolizing how rich the new Israel, which will be spiritually restored, will be. Roughly, after describing the structure of the temple itself, the exterior and interior of the temple are discussed. The entrance and interior of the main sanctuary, as well as the doors of the sanctuary and the holy of holies, are decorated with carvings of “cherubim and of the date palms” (v. 18), he says.
2. why the cherubim and the palm trees?
Why the cherubim and the palm trees? The Psalmist says, “The righteous will sprout like the budding of a palm tree and grow like the cedars of Lebanon” (92:12). In other words, it was a sign and symbol of the prosperity of the righteous. Also, at the festival of the hermitage, we are encouraged to rejoice before the Lord by striking with the leaves of the yet-to-be-spreading jujube palm (23:30). This is a symbol of so-called celebration. Also, the Hebrew word for the jujube palm is timorah, but the New Testament uses the Greek word phoenix, which is also translated as “shuro. When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the people used this leaf to welcome him and shouted hosanna. The Greek word phoenix means phoenix. The Greek word phoenix means phoenix, probably because the tree looks like a phoenix with its leaves spread out. The date palm, which is associated with dates, a sweet dried fruit, was loved by the Israelites as a sign of prosperity for the righteous, a symbol of good things, celebration, and life.
The cherubim also appear in Genesis, where they were provided to guard the tree of life in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:24). This was imaged when the lid was made for the redemption of the Ark of the Covenant, which was placed in the Most Holy Place of the Tabernacle. On top of the lid, cherubim made of pure gold, facing each other, were installed as protective figures (Ex. 25:18-22). The wings of the cherubim spread upward are also reminiscent of the visible pedestal of the invisible throne of God or of a moving throne (1 Samuel 6:2). Already Ezekiel describes the scene in chapter 10. As we are told that God “flew on cherubim, and flew on the wings of the wind” (Psalm 18:10). Perhaps that is why Solomon’s temple was decorated with carvings of these cherubim. It symbolizes the presence of the Lord and protects His glory.
The images depicted on the walls of the temple itself, both inside and outside, were symbolic of prosperity, life, and the presence and protection of the Lord. When we look up at the temple, we are reminded that it is a place where God Himself is present. The New Testament teaches that we ourselves are the temple of God (2 Corinthians 6:16). It would be as if our hearts and our bodies were carved with the nut palm and the cherubim tree. This means that those who speak with us feel the presence of God in our hearts and in our behavior, we feel the life of God. Often it is said that Christians are walking bibles, and that we must be serious about such spiritual growth of self. I once told you that a saint is a hi(fault)-jiri(know), a person who knows his own faults. We should understand our own faults and, with the Lord’s help, face our own spiritual growth, which is difficult to achieve even if it takes a lifetime. I pray that you have a good day today.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday’s quiz. The unit of measure, the cubit, is the length from where to where? The answer was (1) the length of the width of the hand, (2) the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow, (3) the length with both hands outstretched, and (4) the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow. Now for today’s Bible quiz. Which of the following is not one of the four faces that Ezekiel saw the cherubim holding? (1) a cherub, (2) an eagle, (3) a bull, and the answer will be given tomorrow. Then I wish you a good day.