人生100倍の視野【聖書】ダニエル書7章 第一の幻(四つの獣)











Chapter 7: The First Vision (The Four Beasts)

1. structure of the book of daniel

 Today we begin the second half of the book of Daniel. The second half is not a collection of episodes about Daniel and his friends, but a collection of prophecies that Daniel himself tells in the first person. However, it is necessary to understand in advance how this relates to the flow of the previous episodes. Let me briefly explain the relationship between the two.

 First, chapters 1-4 contained episodes from the reign of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. The next five chapters contained episodes from the reign of King Belshazzar of Babylon; the prophecy of the four beasts in chapter 7 and the ram and goat in chapter 8 are from this period. Then, in the latter half of chapter 5, from verse 31 to chapter 6, we find the Media-Persian episode, that of Daniel being thrown into the lion’s den; the prophecy of the 70 weeks in chapter 9 and the final revelation of Daniel (two years after his return to Jerusalem) in chapters 10-12 are from this third period.

 Chapters 1-6 thus provide the historical background for chapters 7 and beyond; chapters 7 and 8 are prophecies from the end of the Babylonian Empire, and chapters 9-12 are from the Media-Persian period. However, chapter 9 was spoken just after the fall of the Babylonian Empire, i.e., during the episode of chapter 6, and chapters 10-12 were spoken even later, two years after the return of the Israelites to Jerusalem.

2. The Prophecy of Chapter 7

The prophecy of chapter 7 is a prophecy of the time of Belshazzar, and its content is a repetition of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream already told in chapter 2: verse 2 “the great sea” represents mankind, and the four beasts that appear from it represent the four kings (verse 17). So the first lion-like beast (v. 4) is Babylon, symbolized by the pure gold head of the colossus (2:32). Likewise, the second beast that resembles a bear (v. 5) is the silver breast and arms (Medo-Persian). The third beast, which resembles a panther (v. 6), is the bronze belly and thighs (Greek), and the fourth beast (v. 7), which is terrifying and eerie, corresponds to the shanks and feet (Roman Empire).

These symbolized the imperialism that rose and fell between the time of Daniel and the advent of Jesus Christ. And the same is true that these histories are closed by the rule of God through Jesus Christ (2:34, 7:13-14). But there is also a new addition, and that is the prophecy of the fourth horn of the beast (7:20). If it is an event that occurs in the flow of change from the rule by the empires of men to the rule of God by the Messiah, it would speak of an apocalyptic “antichrist age. In fact, Daniel wrote, “The horn of his horn shall make war against the saints, and shall overcome them: and the saints shall be called the saints of the Lord” (Daniel 1:20). But it was not until the coming of “Him who was old” (v. 21). In other words, he is speaking of a time when Christians will be persecuted before Christ returns and completes the rule of the Kingdom of God (Revelation 13).

It is important to note that these dreams Daniel had were not creative, but were given to God from above. Daniel says that he “took this to heart.” Indeed, we are in a time when “the night is deepening and the day is drawing near. It is precisely because of this that we should, like Daniel, take God’s words to heart and live a dignified life with the aspiration of eventually standing before God. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner  

First, yesterday’s quiz. The ordeal in which Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den occurred during the reign of which king? (1) King Nebuchadnezzar, (2) King Belshazzar, and (3) King Cross. The answer is that it was during the reign of (3) King Cross. Now, here is today’s Bible quiz. In which period was the prophecy in Daniel 7 spoken? (1) King Nebuchadnezzar, (2) King Belshazzar, and (3) King Cross. The answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today!


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