Chapter 8: No Deception in God’s Eyes (8:1-18)
1. the collapse of Israel’s faith
Again, from chapter 8, the prophecy is a vision and continues until chapter 11. This is the second of the visions spoken of in Ezekiel. The first vision was given at Ezekiel’s call, five years before the fall of Jerusalem in 592 BC. This second vision is given one year and two months later. It has four contents. First, chapter 8, the vision of idolatry in the temple; second, chapter 9, the vision of the Lord’s judgment against the people; third, chapter 10, the vision of the Lord’s glory departing from the temple; and finally, chapter 11, the vision of the Lord’s glory departing from the city of Jerusalem. The first vision (chapters 1-3) spoke of the origin of judgment, that the coming judgment would come from God Himself. The second vision (chapters 8-11) speaks of the cause of that judgment, namely, Judah’s sin. If what is described here had really taken place, then surely Israel’s faith in God would have collapsed completely. But that is what was happening, I suppose.
2. the entire people of Israel are corrupt
Now let us look at the content of the vision in chapter 8. First, in verse 3, Ezekiel is shown an image of “envy” (v. 3) set up at the northern gate that causes envy. This refers to the Asherah statue. The “image of envy” comes from the expression that the Lord is a “jealous God” (Ex. 20:5), and it was King Manasseh who first brought it into the temple (2 Kings 21:7). It was later removed during the reign of King Josiah (2 Kings 23:6), but was restored to its original location during the reign of Ezekiel. It symbolized the state of the king’s faith. But despite the fact that this idolatry was brought to Israel, God continued to be in the temple, awaiting Israel’s repentance (v. 4).
Next, in verse 7, Ezekiel is urged to widen the hole in the wall at the entrance to the Temple garden and pass through it. Beyond the wall, Ezekiel saw various abominable idols inscribed on the wall. The act of widening the hole in the wall to enter was meant to be a surprise. It was there that the 70 elders, or leaders, of Israel were secretly practicing idolatry, worshipping all kinds of foreign gods. These leaders, who were supposed to be leading Israel according to God’s law, were in reality idolaters.
The third vision, in verse 14, was seen at the entrance to the northern gate of the Temple of the Lord. There were women sitting there weeping for Tammuz. Tammuz is the god of vegetative life that withers and sprouts, a belief that flourished in Babylon and Sumer. It is the same as the Greek worship of Adonis. Adonis was the son of Kiniras, the mythical king of Byblos, and husband of Ashtarote. Every year at the end of summer, on the summer solstice, all the women of Byblos commemorate and mourn his death in the temple of Adonis in Lebanon. After the mourning period, the idol is buried in the temple compound, and the next day it is dug out and returned to the temple, where its resurrection is celebrated with music and dance in a revelry orgy. This is the so-called fertility festival, which captivated the women of Israel.
Finally, there was a vision in the inner court of the Temple of the Lord. It was sun worship. The inner court is a place that only priests and Levites are allowed to enter. Therefore, the 25 people in the inner court must have been part of the priests or Levites. In other words, they were the religious leaders of Israel. They had abandoned the Lord and were worshipping the sun.
3. walking as a child of light
Thus Ezekiel is shown a vision of kings, political leaders, women, and religious leaders, in short, all of Israel, turning their backs on the Lord and falling into idolatry, I suppose it means that they are under the fiery wrath of God. As Paul says, we are now in the days of the deepening of the night and the approach of the day (Rom. 13:1-14). In other words, it is an age in which the unjust do more and more unjustly, and the unclean do more and more uncleanly things. But if this is the case, let us walk as children of light, receiving God’s help and God’s light in prayer.
<Quiz Corner>
First, here is yesterday’s quiz. How many references to Ezekiel are there in the New Testament? (1) 0, (2) 3, and (3) 6. The answer was (1) zero. Ezekiel is one of the prophetic books that has no direct references to the New Testament. Now for today’s Bible quiz. On which side was the entrance to the Lord’s temple located? (1) East, (2) West, (3) North, (4) South. The answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.