人生100倍の視野【聖書】エレミヤ書10章 主に並ぶものなし











Jeremiah 10: There is No Equal to the Lord

1. the scarecrow in the cucumber field

 Chapter 10, like the prophet Isaiah (40:18-20, 41:7, etc.), speaks of the emptiness of idols and the folly of worshipping them. Jeremiah says that idols are like “the scarecrow of the cucumber field (v. 5). Indeed, Jeremiah is right. There are times when we wonder what power such idols have, but we accept them as they are because we are under their spell, that is, even if something bad happens to them. Just as the people of that time feared the signs of heaven because they associated them with the work of demons, so we cannot ignore spiritual things in this modern age of advanced science.

 Jeremiah says, v. 6: “There is none like you, O Lord. There is none equal to You. You are great. Your name is mighty and great.” There is only One who truly is to be called God. There is only one who truly should be called God, and that is You alone, the Creator of the heavens and the earth. And verse 11 says, “The gods who did not create the heavens and the earth will perish from the earth and from under this heaven. The God who started human history and has the authority to end it is the God we should believe in. This confession of Jeremiah’s faith (vv. 12-16) appears again later in 51:15-19. For Jeremiah, it is a core part of his faith.

2. God and Israel

God and man are in a Creator-creature relationship. But God says, “Jacob’s portion is not like this. That is, God created the heavens and the earth for the benefit of all and shared them, but He had a special relationship with Jacob, the people of Israel, with whom He made a covenant. In other words, it is more than just a relationship between Creator and creature; it is a close, intimate relationship that is also spoken of in the relationships between parents and children, and between husband and wife. That is why there is also a deep lamentation of God for Israel’s disobedience.

Verse 17 says that the “woman under siege,” or “the inhabitants of the land (v. 18),” the people of Israel, will be driven out of the city by force and taken captive. After the fall of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, the Southern Kingdom of Judah was repeatedly threatened with invasion. The “I am” in verse 19 is spoken by the besieged woman herself. The “pastors” of verse 21 refer to the leaders. It speaks of how foolish their political response was.

3. Jeremiah’s Prayer

From verse 23 onward, Jeremiah’s prayer is recorded in response to God’s words of judgment. Surely, one’s happiness is not due to the plans and efforts of others. It may often seem so, but there are times when circumstances beyond human control, such as coronas, earthquakes, torrential rains, and unforeseen accidents, can occur, and the efforts of human beings can be thrown into chaos. After all, it is only with God’s protection that our plans and efforts are fruitful. And even if there are disasters that discourage us, we can walk with hope that there is always a future, knowing that God knows what is going on. In verse 24, Jeremiah prays, “O Lord, chasten me! The Hebrew word translated “chasten me, O Lord” or “chasten me” is yasser, which also means “to warn” or “instruct.” In context, it would be “Teach me, O Lord, not to be angry, but to be righteous.” Indeed, I am about to agree with Jeremiah. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. From whose time did the Jewish people start to practice circumcision? (1) Abraham, (2) Moses, and (3) David. The answer was (1) Abraham. As a sign of God’s covenant with Abraham, all the males of his household were circumcised when Abraham was 99 years old and his son Ishmael was 13 years old (Genesis 17). Now for today’s Bible quiz. What part of Jeremiah’s early prophecy would be a prophecy during the reign of King Jehoiakim? (1) 2:1-6:30, (2) 7:1-20:18, and (3) 21:1-25:38. See you tomorrow for the answers. I wish you a good day.


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