人生100倍の視野【聖書】エレミヤ書13章 神の思いやり










Chapter 13: God’s Compassion

1. losing oneself

Chapter 13 is a continuation of Chapter 12 with a warning against the stubbornness of the Southern Kingdom of Judah that refuses to repent before God. God wants the people of the Southern Kingdom of Judah to understand this through Jeremiah’s two parables.

The first is the one that corrupts the new belt hidden in the Euphrates River. It is a considerable distance from Jerusalem to the Euphrates River. Some believe that this is a small nearby river, as it is unthinkable that Jeremiah would travel that far twice. In fact, the New English Bible transliterates the Hebrew as the Perath River. However, Jeremiah’s prophetic activity lasted about 50 years, and given that length of time, it is not inconceivable that he traveled to the Euphrates River twice. Moreover, the useful life of clothing is about 10 years. A belt would not be tattered in a few days or months. God is letting Jeremiah do something that takes time to convey His thoughts to His people. It is strange indeed. But the intent is revealed in verses 9-11. God says that He was proud of Judah and Jerusalem, like a man boasting of a brand-new girdle around his waist, but it has become a tattered girdle and can no longer be worn. What is heartening about God’s words is that God speaks of himself with the southern kingdom of Judah in his words announcing judgment (v. 11). It is not the name, honor, and glory of the Southern Kingdom of Judah that will be lost, but the name, honor, and glory of God that will be lost with the Southern Kingdom of Judah.

 Another parable that followed was one of filling a jar with wine (vv. 12-14). The proverb quoted is a joke about a Jew who, on the occasion of a festival at which plenty of wine is served, compares himself to a jar of wine and says, “All the jars will be filled with wine,” i.e., “You will drink it all. God takes this nonsense and says that if all the inhabitants want to drink so much, he will fill them with the strong drink of his wrath, so that they will fight with each other and destroy themselves.

2. repentance required

These prophecies were actually spoken to encourage repentance before the Babylonian captivity. The “king and king-mother” (v. 18) actually refers to King Jehoiachin and his mother Nehushta. Jehoiachin was a tragic king who ascended the throne at the age of 18 and was taken hostage to Babylonia with his mother Nehushta after only three months (2 Kings 24:8-15). The “closing of the cities of the Negev” means that the retreat to the south would be cut off by an enemy invading from the north. In the end, it was a mistake to ally with Babylonia, another northern power, in order to oppose Assyria. So instead of Assyria, Babylonia is going to attack (v. 21).

Why did this happen? “The national tragedy of the Southern Kingdom of Judah brought disaster for individuals as well. It is because of the stubbornness and sinfulness of the heart of the individual. And if we remain stubborn, it will no longer be easy to repent (v. 23). What is required in such stubborn times? It is the restoration of the voice that says, “The Lord lives” (12:16). It would be intercessory prayer seeking God’s compassion for stubborn hearts. In the past, when Israel suffered the ravages of pestilence, God was moved by David’s confession of sin and prayer (2 Samuel 24:25). After all, Christians want to gather in prayer meetings. Intercession for God is a precious duty given to Christians. Let us pray together for the salvation of Japan and the world in our respective churches. I pray that you have a good day today.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. The New Revised Version translates the first person as “I” in kanji and “watashi” in hiragana, but which is used for God’s first person? The answer is “I” in hiragana. Here is today’s Bible quiz. How many times longer is the Euphrates River than the Shinano River (367 km), the longest river in Japan? (1) 4.5 times, (2) 7.6 times, (3) 10.8 times. The answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.


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