人生100倍の視野【聖書】エレミヤ書2章 エルサレムへの警告











Chapter 2: Warning to Jerusalem

1. the treachery of Israel

Yesterday, we discussed how Jeremiah came to stand as a prophet. Chapters 2 through 6 are a collection of prophecies spoken during the reign of King Josiah, probably shortly after Jeremiah was called by God to be a prophet.

Verse 2, “in your youth,” and “in the land where no seed had been sown, in the wilderness,” look back on the history of Israel, referring to the period of time when Israel, enslaved in Egypt, led by their leader Moses, left Egypt and made the Sinai Covenant with God at Mount Sinai. At that time, God’s assessment of the Israelites was that they were faithful and obedient to God, even in the midst of their poverty and difficulties. But that is not the case now. Israel has not retained the love and purity of its new marriage, but has forgotten and disobeyed the Lord’s grace (v. 5) and no longer seeks God (v. 6). It was not only the leaders of Israel, but the people in general as well, who, he says, were even more guilty of idolatry (v. 13).

Verse 10, the islands of Kittim mean the west as seen from Palestine, and Kedar means the east. So, if you look to the East and to the West, “Where have the people ever exchanged their gods for something that is not their god? God says, “What is the matter with you? Who has been protecting you, Assyria or Egypt? No, it is the other way around. He says, “But you have forsaken God.

2. trust in the true God alone

This prophecy is a message from the early days of Jeremiah, and it is said to be influenced by Hosea, a senior prophet. Certainly, what Jeremiah tells us overlaps with Hosea’s message in some respects. Namely, Israel is likened to an adulterous woman (v. 25). The “men of other nations” are the gods of Baal, and he says that Israel is in a religiously unfaithful situation, like a woman who leaves her husband, the Lord, to pursue men of other nations.

Moreover, they were in two minds about the true God and idols (v. 27). They worship Baal as their god, but when they are really in trouble, they pray to the God of the Bible. The Japanese may be similar in some respects. It is said that Japanese people tend to think that the attitude of faith is more important than the object or substance of faith. They are said to have a religious mindset that is resistant to narrowing down to a single object of belief and accepts various deities side by side. Therefore, they have a Buddhist altar, a Shinto altar, and a Bible in their home, and that is fine. However, it is not the case that everything named God is the same, that is, faith is the same for everyone, and that belief in everything is what is important. There is only one true God to believe in.

In Josiah’s time, Assyria’s power was rapidly waning, and Egypt temporarily took control of Syria and Palestine in its place. It seems that Israel’s leaders read such a trend of the times and thought that they should have good relations with Egypt. However, it should be said that it is not Assyria or Egypt that controls the movement of the times, but the God of Creation. Actions that neglect such a God are fruitless, Jeremiah says (v. 37). We should remember the presence of the true God in our lives. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. What was the specialty of Jeremiah’s hometown, Anathoth? (1) Almonds, (2) Olives, (3) Figs. The answer was (1) almonds. Now, here is today’s Bible quiz. Where was the town of Tahpanuches mentioned in Jeremiah’s prophecy located? (1) Egypt, (2) Assyria, and (3) Babylon. The answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.


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