人生100倍の視野【聖書】エレミヤ書22章 四人の王への裁き










Jeremiah 22: Judgment on the Four Kings

1. the four kings

 God’s words of judgment were not directed at the nation at large, but rather directly at individual kings. The “king of Judah” referred to in verses 1-9 is, in the context of the previous passages, King Zedekiah. Zedekiah took David’s place as king, but he did not walk in the footsteps of his ancestor David. Therefore, we are told that Zedekiah’s house will be in ruins and his kingdom will be made a wilderness.

 Verses 10-12 speak of King Shallum; the “dead one” spoken of in verse 10 is King Josiah. But rather than his father Josiah, who was killed in battle at Megiddo, he tells us to weep for his successor, Shallum, or Jehoahaz (2 Kings 23:31-34), who was deposed after three months and taken to Egypt to die as a guest. He became the first king of the southern kingdom of Judah to die in captivity and in a foreign land without returning home.

 Verses 13-23 speak of King Jehoiakim. Jehoiakim was Shallum’s elder brother and Shallum’s successor to the throne, but unlike his father Josiah, he was an evil king before the Lord. He imposed heavy taxes on the people (2 Kings 23:35), did not pay just wages to his workers, built additions and renovations to his palace, and lived a life of luxury. This is exactly what verse 14 describes as a man who “built a large house, a spacious high palace, and put windows in it, and covered it with cedar boards, and painted it with vermilion,” and whose “eyes and heart were set on his own gain. Jehoiakim also brought pagan religion into the kingdom (2 Kings 24:3). God warns the king that no one will mourn his death (v. 18) and that his body will be left out in the open (v. 19).

 Finally, God’s words of judgment against King Ekoniah (vv. 24-30). Jehoiakim, also called Jehoiachin, was the son of Jehoiachin. Although Jehoiakin had several children, none eventually succeeded to his position, and verse 24, “the mark of the ring on his right hand,” signifies that he was to be the seal of the royal family. God says that he would depose the royal family, which continued until Ekonia. In fact, in 597 BC, Ekoniah, along with his mother and royal family, surrendered to King Nebuchadnezzar and was taken to Babylon, where he was released after 37 years of captivity, but no longer restored to his royal status. The southern kingdom of Judah, which had lasted for over 400 years, would cease to exist.

2. he spoke to you

It is not difficult to imagine the sense of urgency with which Jeremiah spoke of the fate of the four kings and their families who lived through the final days of the Southern Kingdom of Judah. These are truly difficult words to say, and I don’t think Jeremiah was insensitive enough to say them. One wonders how much courage he must have had to say these words. But the kings, whether they knew it or not, did not repent and followed the fate of Jeremiah as he had warned them. It is important to note that these were not people who did not know God. Moreover, believing and living in God is not only directed toward God and His worship, but it is also unrelated to living a mindful life in daily practice, that is, valuing ethics, morality, and other human principles (v. 16). King Josiah’s Reformation was a superficial restoration of ritual rites, and did not address the core issues of political corruption and moral depravity. In other words, it was not a political reform that cared about the heart of God and cared about the heart of man. What is important is the reform of the heart, the real life that reflects the changed heart, and the walk of God’s worship. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. Which of the following does “Root of David” mean? (1) David’s ancestors, or (2) David’s descendants. The answer was (2) descendants of David. It means one who belongs to the lineage of David (Revelation 5:5; 22:16). Some theories about its meaning focus on the image of the Messiah who was irreverent to the title of Son of David. Now for today’s Bible quiz. Which of the following kings of the late Southern Kingdom of Judah does not appear in the genealogy in Matthew 1? (1) Josiah, (2) Ekoniah, (3) Jehoiakim, and the answer will be given tomorrow. Then I wish you a good day.


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