で、その内容ですが、まず、エレミヤは自分が預言者として召されたヨシヤ王の第13年(1:2)、つまりBC 626年(1:2)から23年間、「主のことば」を語り続けてきました。ユダが偶像崇拝から立ち返り、真の神との約束に立ち返るようにと。しかし、誰も彼のことばに耳を傾ける者はいませんでした。そこで神は、「バビロンの王ネブカデネザル」をご自分のしもべとして呼び寄せ、さばきの道具にした、と言います。そして70年間、つまりバビロン捕囚が始まったエホヤキム王の第四年目(BC605 年)から、そしてバビロン捕囚からの解放宣言がなされたペルシアの王クロス(BC536)までの約70年間、捕囚の苦しみを通らせる、と言います(11節)。
Jeremiah 25: The Fiery Wrath of God
The prophecy reads, “The fourth year of Jehoiakim, the son of Josiah, king of Judah (v. 1).” The preceding chapter 24 is a prophecy after “Jehoiakim son of Josiah, king of Judah (v. 1)” was taken to Babylon, so this is the earlier story in terms of time. In other words, this is a concrete example of how the book of Jeremiah was not written in chronological order, and should be read with caution.
1.Jeremiah’s Prophetic Activity and God’s Judgment
In this year, Jeremiah commanded Baruch the scribe to dictate a prophecy and bring it to the king to be read before him (chapter 36). But when the king took the prophetic scroll, he put it on fire and refused to listen to the Word of God spoken to him. This chapter is the conclusion of the incinerated scroll. It is a summary of Jeremiah’s prophetic activity (v. 3).
First, Jeremiah had been speaking “the word of the Lord” for 23 years since the 13th year of King Josiah (1:2), or 626 BC (1:2), when he was called as a prophet. He wanted Judah to turn from idolatry and return to the promises of the true God. But no one listened to his words. So God called “Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon” to be His servant and made him an instrument of judgment. He says that he would make him suffer in captivity for 70 years, from the fourth year of King Jehoiakim (605 BC), when the Babylonian captivity began, to King Cross of Persia (536 BC), who was proclaimed free from the Babylonian captivity (verse 11).
Jeremiah repeatedly prepared new scrolls and continued to speak the word of God, but after this, when Zedekiah replaced Jehoiakim as king, Jeremiah would be captured and imprisoned.
2. the cup of God’s wrath
The latter half of verse 15 onward speaks of the judgment of God’s wrath not only on Jerusalem, but also on the nations of the south, that is, Egypt and Edom and Moab, as well as on the nations of the north, including Turo. Jeremiah addresses this prophecy once more in detail, individually, in chapters 46-51, but here he speaks only in summary form (v. 32).
God’s wrath is fierce. God says, “Let this cup of wine of indignation ~ drink.” What is recalled is the cup Jesus received (Mark 10:38). Jesus spoke to the Father and said, “Abba, Father! ~ please take this cup away from me” (Mark 14:36). In other words, Jesus received the cup of God’s fierce wrath, the judgment of all sinners who continue to rebel against God. Originally, we, sinners, were the ones who drank from this cup, cried out, were slaughtered, fell, and disappeared, but God’s fierce wrath against us was taken away by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross 2000 years ago. It was entirely because of God’s mercy.
God’s love is beyond our imagination. We should say that God’s mercy is as deep as the heights of heaven. Let us walk more dependent on God, who does not condemn us as sinners, but forgives us through the cross of Jesus and gives us the grace of salvation. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday’s quiz. Which of the following was the main language spoken in Babylonian during the period of the Southern Kingdom of Judah? (1) Sumerian, (2) Babylonian, and (3) Aramaic. The answer was (3) Aramaic. The major languages in Babylonian transitioned from Sumerian in 3000 BC, to Babylonian in 2000 BC, and then to Aramaic in 1000 BC (2 Kings 18:26). Now for today’s Bible quiz. In Jeremiah’s time, the Northern Kingdom of Israel had already been destroyed, 〇 or ×? I will give you the answer tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.