Chapter 32: God’s Firm Statement of Intent
As already mentioned, the Book of Jeremiah does not necessarily record the articles according to the flow of time. There are places where the order of the articles is intentionally changed, perhaps to more effectively convey God’s message.
1. Intentionality of the Arrangement of the Articles in Baruch
The Babylonian siege of Jerusalem began in the ninth year of Zedekiah (39:1). At this time, rumors circulated that an Egyptian army was approaching. The Babylonian siege was also temporarily lifted (37:4), and Jeremiah attempted to leave the city. Jeremiah’s act was suspected of being a surrender to Babylon, and he was arrested and imprisoned (37:11-16). He is then kept in a “vaulted dungeon” for a long time, after which he is moved to the Garden of Watchers. Thus, this chapter 32 is believed to have occurred after the events recorded later in 37:11-16.
The question of why Jeremiah made such an edit and what his intention was is that the content of this chapter-the purchase of the land of Anathoth (vv. 6-15), Jeremiah’s accompanying prayer (vv. 16-25), and the Lord’s response (vv. 26-44) would emphasize the certainty of the message of restoration in chapters 30 and 31. The reason for this is that the Lord’s response (vv. 26-44), along with Jeremiah’s prayer (vv. 16-25), emphasizes the certainty of the message of restoration in chapters 30 and 31. Let me explain a little more.
2. purchase, prayer, and the lord’s response
First, Jeremiah purchases the land of Anathoth (v. 6). But now Israel will be occupied by Babylon, and everything will be taken from them. That would be a very wasteful transaction indeed. But it is not, if we believe the prophecy of the restoration of Jerusalem spoken of in chapters 30 and 31 as God’s word of promise (v. 15).
Jeremiah prays, vv. 17, 18: “Oh, Lord God! See . You created the heavens and the earth with great power and an outstretched arm. Nothing is impossible for You. You are the One who extends grace to a thousand generations, who rewards the iniquity of the fathers to the bosom of the children after them, the great and mighty God, whose name is the Lord of hosts.” Jeremiah believed that the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem and its fall were all part of God’s plan. So, as far as the land purchase is concerned, he admits that it is utterly pointless, as we all feel (v. 25), but he is confident that it will never be as pointless as we all think.
So Jeremiah takes up the words of God’s response, v. 27: “Is there one thing that is impossible for me? He indicates that God has delivered this Jerusalem into the hands of Babylon and will destroy it at every turn, but promises to restore it again (v. 41). In other words, your land purchase will never be in vain, as everyone thinks, and even if Babylon takes it away, it will come back into your hands again.
Often the Word of God seems completely useless in human reality. But nothing is impossible with God. In chapters 30 and 31, God spoke of the restoration of Jerusalem and the prophecy of a new covenant, a covenant that is not an oral promise (31:31-34). In this vein, Jeremiah placed the episode of the land purchase, which should have come much later in time, here in order to convey to his readers that this is certain. God is the One who keeps His promises and takes responsibility for those He loves. We want to trust in God’s firm will. I pray that you have a good day today.
<Quiz Corner>
First, yesterday’s quiz. Who was the one who established Samaria as the capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israel? (1) Yeroboam, (2) Omri, and (3) Ahab. The answer was (2) Omri. After ruling for six years in Tirzur, Omri purchased land in Samaria from a man named Shemer (1 Kings 16:24) and built the capital here. He was succeeded by his son Ahab, who built an ivory house here (1 Kings 22:39). Now for today’s Bible quiz. Anathoth, occupied by the Babylonians, was regained by those who returned from captivity, and what tribes were the descendants of those who inhabited the land? (1) the tribe of Judah, (2) the tribe of Benjamin, (3) the tribe of Levi, and the answer will be given tomorrow. I pray that you have a good day today.